Are you preparing for WBJEE JECA and looking to crack this exam with considerable marks? Well so your first responsibility is collecting complete information regarding its exam pattern and syllabus. This will help not only during preparation but also in acquiring good marks in the exam. We have provided here the best possible information about WBJEE JECA exam pattern and syllabus 2021.
Table of Contents
Important Highlights
- 3 hours will be given to candidates for the test.
- The test will be organized in online mode i.e. Computer Based Test.
- Total number of papers in the exam would be 2. First two hours would be given for Paper 1 and rest 1 hour would be given for Paper 2.
Paper 1 Pattern and Syllabus
- Paper 1 will be Mathematics paper consisting questions of 100 marks.
- There will be 50 Multiple Choice questions in total.
- 2 marks will be given for each correct response in this paper whereas, ½ marks gets deducted for each wrong attempt.
- Exam duration – 2 Hours
JECA Syllabus
- Algebra- Complex number, Solution of linear equations, De Moiver’s theorem, Determinants, Summation of signal series, Matrices, Addition of vectors, Inequation, Scalar and Vector products, Sets and elements, Universal set, Subsets, Empty set, Venn diagram, Complements, Algebra of sets, Union and intersection of sets, Finite sets, Class of sets, Cross product, Partitions, Group, Ring and Field.
- Analytical Geometry- Straight line; Circle; Cartesian and polar coordinate; Ellipse; Parabola; Translation & Rotation of axes; Hyperbola.
- Probability & Statistics- Probability; Permutation & Combination; Probability distribution; Median; Mean; Mode; Correlation coefficient; Standard Deviation.
- Calculus- Maxima & minima; Continuity, Limit, Differentiation; Taylor & Maclaruin’s Series: Functions of several variables; Definite and indefinite integrals, First and second order differential equation; Partial differentiation
Paper 2 Pattern and Syllabus
- Paper 2 will be an Aptitude test of 100 marks.
- There will be 40 questions among which 30 questions would be of 3 marks each and rest 10 questions would be of 1 mark each.
- ¼ marks get deducted against each wrong attempt committed by candidates.
- Exam duration- One Hour
- Type of questions will be MCQ type only and it needs to be answer in online mode only.
- Problem Solving,
- Reasoning,
- Discrete Quantitative Analysis,
- Quantitative Comparison,
- Data interpretation