WBJEE 2023: Application form, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

WBJEE 2023 will be conducted by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board to provide the qualified candidates admission into engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy courses. It is a state-level entrance exam on the basis of which, enrolment will be granted into the various government and private institutions of West Bengal. Candidates, who submitted application form successfully, they may download their admit card from January 2023 onwards. The exam will be conducted in February 2023 which gives the candidates proper time to prepare themselves for the WBJEE 2023.

Here in this article, we are providing the candidates the basic tricks that can help them in clearing the exam. The candidates can also get other details related to WBJEE 2023 such as exam pattern, syllabus, eligibility, etc from this post.

WBJEE 2023 Important Dates

Check out the official schedule for WBJEE 2023:

Events Dates
Release of online application form October 2022
Last date of submitting application including payment of fee and downloading confirmation page November 2022
Availability of window for WBJEE application form correction November 2022
Issue of admit card January 2023
Entrance exam date February 2023
Result declaration August 2023

WBJEE 2023 Eligibility Criteria

You must read WBJEE 2023 eligibility criteria before you register for the exam-

Basic criteria:

  • The candidate should be a citizen of India.
  • The lower age limit is 17 years and there is no upper age limit. However, for marine engineering, there is an upper age limit of 25 years.
  • Although there is no domicile criteria for appearing in WBJEE 2023, but a domicile is necessary for admissions into any Government Colleges of the State, for admission to any reserved category of seats and for admission to any seat under the TFW (Tuition Fee Waiver) Scheme. Only the candidates residing in West Bengal for 10 continuous years or whose parent(s) are permanent resident of the state will be treated as domicile of West Bengal.

Qualification criteria:

For engineering courses:

  • The applicants should have passed class 12th exam with Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Biology/ Computer Science/ Computer Application as compulsory subjects.
  • The candidates must have secured a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate (40% for SC/ ST/ OBC-A/ OBC-B/ PwD) of these subjects and should have passed in these subjects individually.
  • A pass in English at ‘10+2’ level with at least 30% marks is also mandatory.

For marine engineering:

  • Those who have passed class 12th exam with 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics taken together and individual pass marks in each of these subjects can apply.
  • A minimum of 50% marks in English in either ‘10’ or ‘10+2’ standard is also required.

For pharmacy courses:

  • The candidates need to clear their class 12th exam with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/ Biotechnology/ Biology/ Computer Science/ Computer Application as compulsory subjects.
  • The minimum marks required in the aggregate of these subjects are 45% (40% for SC/ ST/ OBC-A/ OBC-B/ PwD). An individual pass in these subjects is also required.
  • It is also necessary to pass in English at 10+2 level with at least 30% marks.

For architecture courses:

  • The candidate should have qualified NATA or JEE Mains Paper 2 and should also have passed class 12th exam with 50% aggregate marks with Mathematics as a subject.

WBJEE 2023 Application Form

WBJEE 2023 application form will be available on the official website of WBJEEB, wbjeeb.nic.in. The candidates will have to enter the basic details such as name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, gender, category, etc into the application form. The candidates will also be asked to provide a security question-answer and a password of their choice. The candidate must remember their security question-answer and the password. After providing all the details in the application form, the candidates can submit it. An application number will be generated and SMS/ email will be sent to the candidate.

The candidates will be also required to upload the scanned images of their photograph and signature. After this, the candidates will have to make a submission of the processing fee of Rs. 500/-, in order to complete the process of application. The payment of registration fee can be done either through net banking/ debit card/ credit card or by using Allahabad Bank e-Challan.

After the successful completion of all the steps, the candidates are required to take a printout of the confirmation page and keep it safe for future reference.

Correction in application form:

It is not possible to correct any primary registration data i.e. name, father’s name, mother’s name, gender and date of birth of any candidate. However, if the candidate wants to correct any other information in the application, it can be done during the correction window period provided by the official authority.

WBJEE 2023 Exam Pattern

Please read the exam pattern for WBJEE 2023 before you start preparing for the exam-

Mode of exam: The exam will be conducted in offline mode, i.e. pen-paper based test.

Duration of exam: The total duration of the exam will be 5 hours (including a break of 1 hour).

Total marks: The paper will carry a total of 200 marks.

No. of questions: A total of 155 questions will be asked in the paper.

Type of questions: All questions will be objective type, i.e. multiple-choice questions.

Subjects: Mathematics (Paper I), and Physics & Chemistry (Paper II)

Marking scheme: Each question of category I will carry 1 mark and questions of category II and III will carry 2 marks each. There will be a negative marking of 25% (-0.25 for category I and -0.5 for category II and III).

Subjects Category I Category II Category III
No. of questions No. of questions No. of questions
Mathematics 50 15 10
Physics 30 5 5
Chemistry 30 5 5
  • Candidates appearing in Paper I and Paper II both will be eligible for admission in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Pharmacy courses.
  • Candidates appearing only in Paper II will be eligible for admission in Pharmacy courses (except in Jadavpur University).

WBJEE Syllabus 2023

The following syllabus is prescribed by the board for the WBJEE 2023:

  • Mathematics: Algebra, Trigonometry, Coordinate geometry of two and three dimensions and Calculus
  • Physics: Physical World, Measurements, Units & dimensions, Kinematics, Laws of motion, Friction, Gravitation, Bulk properties of matter, Viscosity, Thermodynamics, Kinetic theory of gases, Oscillations & Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, etc
  • Chemistry: Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic, Atomic Structure, Periodic Table and Chemical Families, Compounds, Physical Chemistry of Solutions, Ionic and Redox Equilibria, Hydrogen, Chemistry of Metals, Polymers, etc

WBJEE Preparation Tips

WBJEE 2023 will be supposedly conducted in the month of April 2023. This means the aspiring candidates have got enough time to prepare themselves for the exam. In order to prepare well, it is necessary that the candidates make proper strategies for the entrance exam. Here, we are providing certain tips and tricks to our candidates that can start following right away:

  1. Make a time table for study: The first thing you need to do is to make a time table and start your preparation strictly according to the time table.
  2. Collect study material from the authentic sources: Next, you need to collect all the study material for different subjects at one place. It eliminates the wastage of time which occurs if you start searching for the study material in between your study.
  3. Make notes: It is very important to make notes of the important topics so that you do not always have to turn the whole book while studying. Notes are also really helpful while doing revision.
  4. Practice mock tests: Solving mock tests/ practice paper is very important to keep a check on yourself. It helps you discover your weak points which needs more focus.
  5. Revise regularly: Do not till the end of your course for revision. Revision at a regular basis is supposed to be way more helpful.
  6. Proper food, sleep and rest are also important for your body. So, do not ignore that.

Recommended Books for WBJEE 2023

Here are certain most recommended books for the candidates preparing for WBJEE 2023:

  • Physics: NCERT, H.C. Verma and D.C. Pandey
  • Chemistry: NCERT, O.P. Tandon (Physical and Inorganic Chemistry) and Arihant Publication (Organic Chemistry)
  • Mathematics: NCERT, R.S. Aggarwal, S.L. Loney and R.D. Sharma

WBJEE 2023 Admit Card

WBJEE 2023 admit card is supposed to be released in the 2nd week of April. The candidates will be able to download their admit card from the official website. The candidates will have to take a printout of the admit card and carry it to the exam center. The candidates can download duplicate admit card only till the date of exam. If any candidate requires duplicate card after the exam, he/ she will have to request to the Board along with a DD of Rs. 500/-. But this facility is also provided only for a specific time period.

WBJEE 2023 Answer Key

The provisional answers will be published a few days after the commencement of the entrance exam. The captured image of answer sheets will also be published after 3-4 weeks. The candidates can challenge the WBJEE answer key 2023 or the OMR sheet by logging into their account and making a payment of Rs. 500/- per question. This fee will be non-refundable. After reviewing the challenges, the board will release the final answer keys.

WBJEE 2023 Result

The board will release the WBJEE result 2023 in the form of rank card. The candidates will be able to see and download their rank card by logging into their account. The rank card along with score will be issued to all the candidates who appeared in the exam. However, rank will only be given to the candidates who score above the cut-off marks decided by the board. Only those who get a rank will be eligible for counseling.

WBJEE 2023 Counseling

The notification for e-counseling and seat allotment will be published on the official website. All the qualified candidates who get a rank will be allowed to participate in the WBJEE 2023 counseling process. During counseling, the candidates will have to give preference of the course and institute of their choice. Credentials of all candidates participating in e-counseling will be verified at Reporting Centers on the stipulated dates.

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