UP ITI Admission 2022: Application Form (Released), Eligibility Criteria, Merit List

(UP ITI 2022) यूपी आईटीआई प्रवेश: व्यावसायिक परीक्षा परिषद उत्तर प्रदेश (VPPUP) संबंधित प्राधिकरण है, जो राज्य में विभिन्न आईटीआई पाठ्यक्रमों में योग्य उम्मीदवारों को प्रवेश देने के लिए हर साल यूपी आईटीआई प्रवेश प्रक्रिया आयोजित करता है। इच्छुक और योग्य उम्मीदवार जो उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य के विभिन्न सरकारी और निजी आईटीआई कॉलेजों में प्रस्तावित विभिन्न ट्रेडों में प्रवेश चाहते हैं, उन्हें नियत तारीख से पहले अपना यूपी आईटीआई प्रवेश आवेदन पत्र 2022 जमा करना होगा। इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से, उम्मीदवार उत्तर प्रदेश आईटीआई प्रवेश (UP ITI 2022) के बारे में सभी विवरण देख सकते हैं।

Latest: UP ITI 2022 application form has been released now.

यूपी आईटीआई प्रवेश 2022 महत्वपूर्ण तिथियां

उम्मीदवार नीचे UP ITI 2022 के लिए आधिकारिक कार्यक्रम देख सकते हैं:

Events Dates
ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म की उपलब्धता Out
आवेदन जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि To be updated
सीट आवंटन की घोषणा To be updated
आईटीआई में प्रवेश के लिए रिपोर्टिंग तिथि की घोषणा To be updated

UP ITI 2022 Eligibility Criteria (पात्रता मानदंड)

उम्मीदवारों के लिए विभिन्न आईटीआई पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए प्राधिकरण द्वारा निर्धारित पात्रता मानदंड की जांच करना महत्वपूर्ण है। आवश्यक पात्रता मानदंडों को पूरा करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को यूपी आईटीआई परामर्श प्रक्रिया (Counselling Process) में उपस्थित होने के लिए योग्य माना जाएगा। उम्मीदवार नीचे आईटीआई उत्तर प्रदेश पात्रता मानदंड की जांच कर सकते हैं:

Age Criteria (आयु)

  • उम्मीदवारों की न्यूनतम आयु सीमा 14 वर्ष होनी चाहिए
  • कोई ऊपरी आयु सीमा मानदंड नहीं होगा।

Education Qualification (शैक्षणिक योग्यता)

For trade having duration of one year:

  • For Welder, Leather Goods Makers, Carpenter, Mason (Building Constructor), Footwear Maker and Sheet Metal Worker trade: The candidates should have passed their class 8th exam in order to be eligible.
  • For Physiotherapy Technician and Plumber trade: Applicants should have cleared their class 10th exam to apply for these trades.
  • For Mechanic (Tractor/ Auto Electrical & Electronics/ Auto Body Repair/ Auto Body Painting/ Diesel Engine/ Motorcycle), Plastic Processing Operator, Industrial Painter, Computer Hardware & Network Management, Foundryman Technician and Surveyor: Candidates need to clear their class 10th exam with Mathematics and Science as mandatory subjects.
  • For Architecture Assistant and Interior Decoration & Design trade: A pass in class 10th exam with Mathematics and Science as compulsory subjects scoring a minimum aggregate of 40% marks is required.

For trade having duration of two years:

  • For Wireman and Painter General trade: The candidates should have passed their class 8th exam to apply for these trades.
  • For Mechanic (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning/ Machine Tools Maintenance/ Motor Vehicle/ Agricultural Machinery/ Medical Electronics/ Lift & Escalator), Tool & Die-Maker, Fitter, Textile Waste Processing Technician, Turner, Machinist, Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Instrument Mechanic,  Electroplater, Machinist Grinder, Draughtsman (Mechanical/ Civil), Electrician (Power Distribution), Information Technology, Information Communication Technology System Maintenance and Weaving Technician trade: A pass in class 10th exam with Mathematics and Science as compulsory subjects is required.
  • For Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances, Technician Power Electronics System and Radiology Technician trade: Those who have passed class 10th exam are eligible.

Trade wise Educational qualification eligibility norms

Trades Minimum educational criteria
Fitter Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Plastic processing operator Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Tool and Diemaker (Die & Molds) Passed 10th class (with or under science and mathematics subjects under or under 10 + 2 system)
Mechanist Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Turner Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Mechanic (refrigeration and air conditioning) Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Instrument mechanic Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Tool and dimmer (press tools, jigs and fixtures) Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Mechanist greener Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Electrician Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Mechanic Machine Tools Maintenance Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Draftsman (mechanical) Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Surveyor Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Draftsman (civil) Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Electroplator 10th pass (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Electronic mechanic Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Electrician (power distribution) Passed 10th class (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Information Communication Technology System Maintenance (ICTSM) Passed 10th class (in 10 + 2 pattern with science and mathematics subjects).
Mechanic motor vehicle Passed 10th class (10 + 2 system with science and mathematics subjects).
Mechanic diesel engine Passed 10th class (under 10 +2 system with science and mathematics subjects).
Mechanic motorcycle Passed 10th class (in 10 + 2 system with science and mathematics subjects).
Computer Hardware and Network Management Passed 10th examination (10 + 2 with mathematics & science subjects).
Mechanic tractor Passed 10th examination with science and mathematics subjects.
Mechanic agricultural machinery Passed 10th examination (10 + 2 with science and mathematics subjects).
Fondremain Technician Passed 10th examination (under 10+2 system with mathematics and science subjects or equivalent)
Technion Power Electronics System Passed 10th examination (under 10 + 2 system)
Weaving technician Passed 10th examination (under 10 + 2 system) with or equivalent to mathematics and science subjects
Physiotherapy Technician Passed 10th examination (under 10 + 2 system)
Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances Passed 10th examination (under 10 + 2 system)
Radiology Technician Passed 10th examination (under 10 + 2 system)
Mechanic medical electronics 10th pass (under 10 + 2 scheme) with science and mathematics subjects.
Textile waste processing technic 10th pass (under 10 + 2 order) with science and mathematics subjects.
Mechanic auto electrical and electronics 10th pass (under 10 + 2 scheme) with science and mathematics subjects.
Lift and escalator mechanic 10th pass (under 10 + 2 scheme) with mathematics and science subjects.
Interior decoration and design 10th pass (in 10 + 2 system) with science and mathematics subjects scoring no less than 40% marks.
Mechanic aunt body painting 10th pass (with science and mathematics topics)
Information Technology 10th class passed (with science and mathematics topics)
Architecture assistant 10th pass (in 10 + 2 system) with science and mathematics subjects by scoring at least 40% marks.
Industrial painter 10th class passed (10 + 2 system) with or equivalent to science and mathematics subjects
Mechanic Auto Body Repair 10th class passed (in 10 + 2 system) with science and mathematics subjects.
Plumber 10th class passed

Govt. ITIs in UP

Eligibility criteria for Course Group A – Craftsman Training Scheme under semester system based business, a brief introduction (for women only), other engineering business (Non-Engineering Trades)

Trade Minimum educational criteria
Computer Aided Imbreedry and Designing 10th class passed (under 10 + 2 system)
Dress making Passed 10th examination (under 10 + 2 system)
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA) 10th class passed
Basic Cosmetology 10th pass
Secretarial Practice (English) 10th pass
Stenography and Secretarial Assistant (Hindi) Passed 10th with Hindi Essentials
Fashion design technology 10th pass
Stenography and Secretarial Assistant (English) 10th pass

Course Group B – Under the Craftsman Training Plan semester system based business, a brief introduction (for women only) other engineering business (non-engineering trades)

Trade Minimum qualification
Surface Arnentesan Technician (Embryry) 8th class passed
Provisioning technology 8th class passed

Eligibility criteria for Course Group-B, under the Craftsman Training Plan semester system-based business, code and a brief introduction to Engineering Trades

Business Minimum qualification educational qualification
Carpenter 8th class passed
Sheet Metal Worker 8th class passed
Welder 8th class passed
Painter general 8th class passed
Wireman 8th class passed
Upholster 8th class passed
Mason (Building Constructor) 8th class passed

Eligibility norms for Course Group-B (Craftsman Training Scheme semester system-based business, a brief introduction to other non-engineering trades)

Business Minimum qualification educational qualification
Leather Goods Makers 8th standard pass out
Provisioning technology 8th standard pass out
Footwear maker 8th standard pass out

Private ITIs in UP

Reservation Criteria

In the UP ITI Institutes, there will be 70% seats reserved for SC/ ST Trainee & 15 % seats will be occupied for OBC Trainee. Moreover, there will also 02% Horizontal Reservation provided for Freedom Fighters (Ex-Serviceman (05%), Female Candidates (20%) and Physically Handicapped Candidates (03%). Please note down this reservation will be given on Trade wise & All Admission Seats.

UP ITI Application Form 2022

Aspirants can apply for ITI UP admission 2022 online by visiting the official website of Vyavsayik Pariksha Parishad, UP. Before filling the online application form, candidates are advised to ensure their eligibility whether they meet with the prescribed eligibility norms or not and then apply. Candidates have to fill all the required details such as personal as well as qualification details very carefully and correctly. They also have to upload the important documents in the given format and pay the necessary application fee. The payment of fee can be made online using debit card/credit card/internet banking.

Fee details:

  • For General/ BC – Rs. 250/-
  • For SC/ST Rs. 150/-

UP ITI Merit List

The merit list will be prepared and released after the application process is over. The merit list will be prepared on the performance of 10th standard examination result. Hence it is very important that you score well in high school exam to get into the merit list. There will be no counseling held for seat allocation, instead the seats will be allocated on the basis of merit list. The authority will publish the merit list in its official website. All the selected applicants will be invited to complete the admission process to confirm their seats.

UP ITI Counselling Process

Candidates whose name fall under the merit list they need to attend the counselling process at college or institute on the given date. All documents would be verified at the time of counselling. Candidates need to attend the counselling along with all required documents. The counselling schedule would be furnished here at later stage.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Ans: The application form for UP ITI is now available.

Ans: No entrance exam will be conducted for admissions in UP ITI institutes. Selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of qualifying exam merit.

Ans: Interested candidates can submit their application form only through online mode. Applications sent via post, courier, etc will not be considered.

Ans: For certain trades like Wireman, Painter General, Welder, Leather Goods Makers, Carpenter, etc, class 8th passed candidates are eligible too.

Ans: There are around 2939 private ITIs in Uttar Pradesh state. List of these ITIs can be found from the official website of UP SCVT.

Ans: In case you are having issue in viewing your result online, you can visit Jan Sewa Kendra to check your result.

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23 thoughts on “UP ITI Admission 2022: Application Form (Released), Eligibility Criteria, Merit List”

  1. सर मुझे आई टी आई से कोपा का कम्प्यूटर कोर्स करना है

  2. Sir mai ITI ma admission lana chahta h0

  3. Kya me Bake and confectioner trade kar sakti or exam pattern kesa hoga iska admission kese lu


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