ULSAT Exam Pattern 2021: Here you can check all related information of ULSAT exam pattern 2021 which includes exam mode, duration, exam venue, number of questions, total marks, marking scheme etc. UPES Legal Studies and Aptitude Test is conducted by University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) every year in the month of May for law admissions.
ULSAT Exam Pattern Highlights
Mode of the Exam | Online Mode |
Test duration | 3 hours |
Number of questions | 200 |
Type of Questions | Objective type multiple choice questions |
Total marks of the question paper | 200 |
Marking Scheme
Please have a look at below-mentioned information:
- Each correct answer is associated with one mark.
- There will be no negative marking in the exam.
- No marks will be either given or deducted for questions not attempted.
- If you have marked more than one option for a particular question then it’ll be treated as the wrong attempt and hence no marks will be awarded.
Test Venue
The UPES Legal Studies and Aptitude Test (ULSAT) is expecting to be conducted at 31 centres all across the country. Somme of the exam centres are as follows:
- Agra
- Ghaziabad
- Kanpur
- Bhubaneshwar
- Indore
- Noida
- Ahmedabad
- Gurgaon
- Kolkata
- Chandigarh
- Jabalpur
- Patna
- Faridabad
- Jodhpur
- Bhopal
- Hyderabad
- Mumbai
- Delhi
- Faridabad
- Jodhpur
- Bhopal
- Hyderabad
- Mumbai
- Delhi
Subjects Involved
Questions are to be asked in the question paper from following subjects:
- Quantitative & Numerical Ability;
- Language Comprehension;
- Logical Reasoning;
- Legal Aptitude;
- Legal General Knowledge;