The application form for TS PGLCET exam will be released by the Osmania University, Hyderabad. This will be a common entrance exam that will provide admission to 2 year LLM courses across the law colleges of Telangana. The mode of application will be online and the admission committee will not accept offline or printed application form.
In order to appear for TS PGLECET 2022, the candidate must have passed or appearing for the final exam of LLB or BL degree. The aspirants are advised to read the eligibility criteria carefully before filling the application form. In this article, we are providing complete details regarding the TS PGLCET Application Form 2022.
Latest- TS PGLCET application form is now accessible online.
How to fill TS PGLCET Application Form?
The online application form will be made available on the official website i.e. We will also provide a direct link to the Application form on this page.
Follow the steps mentioned below to fill the TS PGLCET Application Form
Step 1: Filling Application Fee
- The First step of the Application process will be to pay the application fee.
- To pay the application fee, candidates have to click on “Application Fee Payment” link on the official website.
- After clicking the fee payment link, the candidate have to provide following details in the application fee registration form
- Name of Candidate
- Hall ticket number of Qualifying Exam
- Date of Birth
- Mobile Number
- Email Id
- Stream (Name of exam for which the candidate is applying)
- Click “Proceed to payment” and submit the application fee using the online methods or by cash at TSOnline/APOnline centers.
Step 2: Know your payment status
- After the payment of application fee, the candidate should check payment status on the official website.
- To check the Fee payment status, click on “Payment Status” link and enter Qualifying exam hall ticket number and date of birth.
- The payment reference id will also appear on the screen along with the payment status.
Step 3: Filling Application Form
- The applicants will be able to fill the application form only after successful application fee payment.
- Candidates have to enter the following details in the application form
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Aadhar Card Number (Mandatory)
- State of Birth
- District of Birth
- Complete Address (House no, village/city, distrct, pincode etc.)
- Category (General, SC, ST Etc.)
- Religion
- Annual Income of Parents
- Qualifying Exam details (Hall ticket number, Marks, year of Passing, Medium etc.)
- Two preferences of Regional Test Centre
- Please note that the fields marked with “*” will be mandatory to fill in the application form.
Step 4: Uploading Images
- The scanned images of the recent passport size photograph and signature will be required to be uploaded by the candidate in the application form.
Step 5: Checking Preview and submitting the application form
- After entering all the mandatory details, the applicant must check the entered information by clicking the “Preview/submit” button.
- If any of the entered information is incomplete or incorrect, then the candidate will be able to modify it by clicking “Modify” button.
- Click “Confirm/Freeze” button to finally submit the application form.
- A unique registration number will be available after the application form submission.
- Click the “Print Application” button to take a print out of submitted application form.
TS PGLCET Application Fee
TS PGLCET application fee will be Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 600/- for SC and ST categories).
Mode of Payment
- The application fee can be paid online by using a Debit Card, Credit Card and Internet Banking.
- The applicants can also pay the fee by cash at TS Online/ AP Online Centers.
Note: The application fee once submitted will not be refunded. The candidates should check the eligibility criteria before filling the application form.