TS PGECET Admit Card 2023: Download Hall Ticket Here

TS PGECET admit card 2023 will be available to those candidates who have successfully submitted the application form for the exam.  Through this exam, candidates can get admission into various courses of Engineering, Pharmacy etc. in the state of Telangana. It is compulsory for all the applicants to bring the admit card on the day of the exam. Without the hall ticket, candidates will not be allowed to appear for the exam. Candidates can download the admit card from the official website of the TS PGECET. Applicants need to take a printout copy of the TS PGECET admit card 2023 and keep it same till the admission process is done.

TS PGECET Admit Card 2023- Important Dates

Event Dates (Tentative)
Releasing of the Hall Ticket May 2023, 4th week
TS PGECET exam date May 2023, 4th week

Important Instructions on the TS PGECET admit card 2023

The authority will release the admit card on its official website. Candidates can download it form the same. Given below are some instructions regarding the admit card which candidates should go through before appearing in the exam-

  1. To obtain the hall ticket, candidates need to provide their registration number, date of birth and exam paper for the entrance test in the official portal.
  2. Candidates must bring the admit card in the exam hall without which the entry will be denied by the concerned authority.
  3. Candidates should take at least 2 printouts of the admit card and keep it safe till the admission is done.
  4. The hall ticket mustn’t be damaged or mutilated under any circumstances which will render them invalid.
  5. No cutting, lamination or writing is permitted on the hall ticket.
  6. Applicants also need to carry a valid Identification proof along with the admit card in the exam hall.
  7. Candidates should check the details on the admit card such as their name, category, gender, roll no., registration no., reporting time, exam center etc.
  8. Applicants must reach the venue stated on the admit card on time.

How to Download the TS PGECET admit card 2023?

Here is the procedure on how to obtain the admit card of TS PGECET, candidates should follow the steps as mentioned below to download their hall ticket-

  1. Go to the official website http://pgecet.tsche.ac.in/TSPGECET/.
  2. Under the application section, click on the link “download hall ticket”.
  3. Enter your “registration number”, “DOB” and “exam paper”. Click on the “download hall ticket” button at the bottom of the page.
  4. The admit card will be presented to you in “PDF” file format.
  5. Download the same using the download icon at the top-right corner of the page.
  6. Take a few printout copies of the same for future use.

Examination Center

Given below is the list of the exam cities where the TS PGECET exam will be conducted. The Exam will be conducted in two regions- Hyderabad and Warangal. Applicants have to report to the exam center as specified on the admit card-

  • Hyderabad West (Kukatpally, Patancheru, Gandipet, Moinabad and surrounding areas).
  • Hyderabad North (Medchal,Gandimaisamma and surrounding areas).
  • Hyderabad Central (Abids, Tarnaka and surrounding areas).
  • Hyderabad East (Ghatkesar, keesara and surrounding areas).
  • Hyderabad South-East (L.B. Nagar, Hayathnagar, Pedda amberpet, Ibrahimpatnam,Ramoji Film City area and surrounding areas).

Exam Pattern

Candidates should make themselves familiar with the TS PGECET exam pattern. They can take reference from the brief information given below. For complete exam pattern, candidates should follow the post dedicated for it.

Exam Mode Online (Computer-based mode)
Duration 2 Hours
Type of Questions Objective type (MCQs)
Medium English
No. of Questions 120 Questions
Marking Scheme +1 mark will be awarded for every right answer. There’ll no negative marking for wrong attempts
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