TNEA 2023: Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Date, Syllabus

Admission to Government/ Government aided engineering colleges, constituent colleges of Anna University and self–financing engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu is done on the basis of merit in the qualifying exam. The Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA) process is conducted for shortlisting the candidates for admission. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for admission process through online mode most probably from August 2023. The candidates can find the detailed information about the TNEA 2023 from this article below.

TNEA 2023 Important Dates

Check out the official dates related to TNEA 2023 in the table below:

EventsTentative Dates
Release of official notificationAugust 2023
Online application form availabilityAugust 2023
Last date to submit online applicationAugust 2023
Generation of random number by TNEA authoritySeptember 2023
Publication of merit listSeptember 2023
Commencement of counselingSeptember 2023
Date of supplementary counsellingOctober 2023
Date of SCA to SC counsellingOctober 2023
Counselling process end byOctober 2023

TNEA 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned below to be eligible to participate in TNEA 2023 admission process:


  • Tamil Nadu candidates who have passed their class 8th to 12th from schools situated in Tamil Nadu are eligible.
  • Tamil Nadu native candidates who have passed any of the class VIII, IX, X, XI and XII exam from schools situated outside Tamil Nadu can also apply.
  • Children of Central Government Employees can for admission irrespective of their native, provided their parents or guardians (only if both parents are not alive) have been serving in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past 5 years at the time of submission of application.
  • Children of employees in Public Sector or Government recognized Institutions who at the time of submission of application employed in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past five years can also apply irrespective of their domicile.
  • Sons and daughters of All India service Tamil Nadu cadre officers are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates who are Sri Lankan Tamil Refugee and have studied in Tamil Nadu can apply too.
  • Other state candidates who have studied from class 8th to 12th in Tamil Nadu are eligible to apply.

Age limit: 

  • For marine engineering, the maximum age of the candidates should not exceed 25 years.

Academic criteria:

  • A pass in the HSC (Academic/ Vocational) or equivalent exam with a minimum aggregate of 45% marks (40% marks for reserved category candidates) in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry is required.

TNEA 2023 Application Form

The application form for TNEA 2023 will be released online on the official website or Candidates are suggested to read the information brochure very carefully before proceeding with the application submission.

  • At first, the candidates will have to submit a registration form providing details like name, mobile number, email id, date of birth, password etc.
  • Once these details are submitted, an OTP will be generated and sent on the registered phone number.
  • After the OTP verification, the candidates can obtain and start filling the application form.
  • In the application form, rest personal information of the candidates will be asked. Special reservation information should also be provided into the application form.
  • Upon providing all these details into the application form, the candidates need to move forward towards the payment of application fee.
  • After payment of application fee, the candidates will be asked to provide details about their education like year of passing, name of school, etc from classes 8 to 12.
  • Additional details related to candidates such as Aadhaar number, parent’s annual income, community/ category, etc will also be asked in the application form.
  • The duly filled application form can then be submitted online by the candidates.

Application fee:

  • The application fee for TNEA 2023 is expected to be Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ ST/ SCA candidates).
  • For each special reservation category an additional amount of Rs. 100/- need to be submitted.
  • Payment of application fee can be done through both online and offline mode. Online payment can be done using debit card/ credit card/ net banking.
  • Offline application fee payment via challan can only be done at the TNEA Facilitation Center (TFC).

Document Verification

  • The registered candidates will be informed about the date, time and venue for document verification via a call letter.
  • Candidates must visit the document verification center (TFC) as per the details given in the call letter carrying all their documents in original.
  • Further admission process will be conducted only for those candidates who get their documents verified in time.

Important Documents

The following documents in original and photocopy should be produced at the time of Certificate Verification at TNEA Facilitation Center (TFC):

  • Hard copy of the registered application form
  • Class 10th mark sheet
  • HSC (+1 and +2) or equivalent mark sheet
  • HSC hall ticket
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Permanent Community Certificate Card for ST, SC, SCA, MBC & DNC, BC and BCM (Permanent card/ electronic form/ digitally signed e-Certificate)
  • Nativity Certificate in electronic form/ digitally signed e-Certificate, if applicable
  • First Graduate Certificate and First Graduate Joint Declaration (in electronic form/ digitally signed e-Certificate), if applicable
  • Sri Lankan Tamil Refugee certificate, if applicable
  • Relevant certificate for Son/ Daughter of Ex-Serviceman
  • Medical certificate for Differently Abled Person
  • Relevant certificate for Eminent Sports Persons, if applicable

TNEA 2023 Merit List

  • A merit list of the successfully registered candidates will be prepared on the basis of their marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in class 12th exam.
  • The list containing overall rank and community rank of the candidates will be published in the official TNEA web portal.
  • Candidates should carefully check the details in the merit list and any error found should be communicated to the office of the Secretary, TNEA at Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai 600 025.
  • Further process of counseling will be conducted as per the ranking of the candidates mentioned in the merit list.

TNEA 2023 Counseling

  • The applicants will be grouped based on their rank and each group of applicants will be allowed to participate in counseling as per the specified schedule.
  • The list of eligible applicants for a particular round will be published on the TNEA official website.
  • Candidates with the names in the list will be allowed to provide their choices for colleges and courses. The choices should be provided in the order of preference.
  • Once the choices are provided, the candidates need to lock them on the last date.
  • After locking of choices, the system will tentatively allot seats to the candidates based on rank and the order of preferences.
  • After the tentative allotment, the applicant can either confirm or reject the allotment to opt for upward movement.

TNEA Admission Process 2023

  • After all the rounds of counseling are over and final seats are allotted, the candidates need to report to the respective college for admission.
  • Allotment letters will be generated containing the schedule of the admission process that should be carried at the time of reporting to the institute.
  • Candidates need to complete the rest formalities of admission such as payment of remaining fees, submission of documents, etc.
  • Those who fail to complete the admission process in the prescribed time limit will los their candidature.


Do I need to send the hard copy of the application form to the relevant authorities?

The application process is completely online and therefore there is no need to send the hard copy of the application to anyone. However, the hard copy should be produced at the time of document verification.

How do I provide my choices for course and college?

You can login into the TNEA portal by using the user id and password generated at the time of registration to provide your choices.

Is it possible to change my choices?

You can rearrange or modify the choices entered till the date of choice locking. No change is possible after that.

Do I need to make any kind of payment for participating in counseling round?

Applicants need to pay an initial deposit of Rs. 5000/- for general category (Rs. 1000/- for SC/ SCA/ ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu) to participate in the counseling round.

If I am not satisfied with the allotment, can I quit?

Yes. Those not happy with the allotment can quit and can claim refund of the initial deposit from TNEA.

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