RGPV M.SC (Applied Mathematics) Admission

RGPV M.SC (Applied Mathematics) Admission: Applications will be invited by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) from eligible candidates for admission to M.Sc (Applied Mathematics) programme for the academic year 2022-2023. Interested and eligible candidates can apply as per prescribed schedule. Aspirants can check complete details regarding RGPV M.Sc (applied mathematics) admission from the article mentioned below on this page.

Important Dates (Tentative)

Candidates can check the important dates related to RGPV M.Sc admission in applied mathematics for the year 2022-23 from the table mentioned below. It should be noted that all the dates mentioned in the below chart are tentative and based on last year admission data. We’ll update the exact dates here only after the release of official notification.

Events Dates
Submission of duly filled application form will begin from May 2022
Last date for the submission of duly filled online application forms June 2022
List of selected candidates will be published on June 2022

Eligibility Criteria for RGPV M.SC (Applied Mathematics) Admission

Applicants seeking admission to M.Sc (Applied Mathematics) should hold a Graduate degree in Science/ (B Sc) or BA (Mathematics) with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent examination.

RGPV M.SC (Applied Mathematics) Admission Application Form: How to apply?

  • Candidates can download the online application form through the official website of university i.e. https://www.rgpv.ac.in.
  • Before starting the application fill in the process, candidates must ensure that they fulfill the required eligibility conditions.
  • Fill the mandatory fields in the form very carefully and correctly. They have to pay Rs 750/- (Rs.250/ for candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe (ST), Scheduled Cast (SC), and Other Backward Class excluding creamy layer (OBC) category of Madhya Pradesh.
  • If an applicant is applying for more than one programme/specialization than he/she is needed to pay a separate registration fee for each course.
  • Applicants should ensure that they have appropriately filled the application form. Incorrectly filled application forms are likely to be rejected.
  • The applicant must write the “Application for admission in M.Sc. (Applied mathematics) the top of the envelope bearing the duly downloaded online filled application form. Please make sure that the application form should reach to UIT-RGPV on or before the scheduled date at Director, University Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Airport By-Pass Road, Gandhi Nagar –Bhopal – 462033

List of the documents to be submitted along with online filled application form:

  1. Mark-sheet of qualifying examination
  2. Certificates on prescribed format of Govt of MP (in case of Scheduled Cast (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Class (excluding creamy layer) (OBC) candidates of Madhya Pradesh)
  3. Cast and domicile
  4. Two recent passport size photographs
  5. Certificate of the handicapped (if applicable)

Admission Process

The selection of candidates will be based on marks obtained in the qualifying examination and previous academic record of candidates will also be considered in the admission process.

RGPV Admission

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