OJEE Syllabus 2023

OJEE Syllabus 2023: The OJEE is conducted to offer admissions into Pharmacy, Lateral entry in Engineering/ Technology/ Pharmacy, B.Sc lateral entry, MCA, MCA lateral entry, MBA, Integrated MBA, and M.Tech./ M.Pharma/ M.Arch./ M.Plan/ M.Arch(Exe.) courses. Depending on the programme, the OJEE Syllabus 2023 will be different for different programmes. It is very important to know the syllabus before you start preparing for the entrance exam. This article provides the detailed syllabus for OJEE in order to help the aspirants get an idea of the topics from which the questions may be asked in the exam.

OJEE Syllabus 2023

For Pharmacy, Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery & Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery:

  • Physics: Measurements and Motion, Heat & Thermodynamics, Electricity & Magnetism, Wave motion, Relativity and Nuclear Physics, etc.
  • Chemistry: General behavior of matter, Chemical energetics, equilibrium and kinetics, Organic chemistry, Environmental chemistry, etc.
  • Mathematics: Number system, Determinants, and matrices, Coordinate geometry of three dimensions, Probability, and statistics, Vectors, Calculus, etc.
  • Biology: Diversity of plant life, Genetic material, Economic Botany, Animal world, Diversity of Animal life, Cellular growth, Biology in Human welfare, etc.

For Lateral Entry in Engineering/ Technology:

  • Basic Electrical Engineering: Fundamentals, Generation of Electrical Power, Wiring and Power billing, Measuring Instruments, etc.
  • Mathematics: Algebra, Determinant and Matrices, Analytical Geometry, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Trigonometry, etc.
  • Engineering Mechanics: Force and Moments, Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia, Simple Stress and Strain, Friction, etc.

For Lateral Entry in Pharmacy:

OJEE Syllabus 2023 for admission in 2nd year B.Pharma will be the same as the syllabus of part-I and part-II of Diploma in Pharmacy as per the Education Regulation – 1991 of Pharmacy Council of India.

For Lateral Entry in +3 Sc. / B.Sc:

  • Mathematics: Determinant and Matrices, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, etc.
  • Physics: Mechanics, Oscillations, Electric Currents, Magnetostatics, Kinetic theory of Matter, Thermodynamics, etc.
  • Chemistry: Thermochemistry, Chemical equilibrium, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Coordination Compounds, etc.

For MCA:

  • Computer Awareness: Introduction to Computer, Computer Arithmetic, and C Language.
  • Mathematics: Number System, Logic, Determinant and Matrices, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, etc.

For MCA Lateral entry:

  • Mathematics: Number System, Logic, Determinant and Matrices, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, etc.
  • Computer Awareness: Introduction to Computer, C Language, Fundamentals of computer Organization and Networking, Operating systems, etc

For MBA and Integrated MBA:

  • Verbal reasoning: Sentence Correction, Synonyms/ Antonyms, Puzzle test, Syllogism, etc.
  • Analytical reasoning: Blood Relations, Sitting Arrangement, Binary Logic, Venn diagram, Coding-decoding,
  • General Knowledge: History, Geography, Current Affairs, Politics, etc
  • Comprehension: Passage reading and answering the related questions
  • Computer and Business fundamentals (not for Integrated MBA)

For M.Tech/ M.Arch:

  • Engineering Mathematics: Ordinary Differential Equations, Fourier series, Laplace transformation, Linear algebra, etc
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning: Sitting Arrangement, Coding-decoding, Blood Relations, Binary Logic, etc.
  • Branch specialization

For M.Plan:

  • Logical Reasoning: Logical Sequence, Coding- Decoding, Assumption, Blood Relations, etc.
  • Arithmetic Reasoning: Number Systems, Ratio and Proportion, Logarithm, Time and Work, Mixtures and Alligations, etc.
  • Basic Architectural concept: City planning, Landscape Design, Computer Aided Design, Visual and Urban Design, History of Architecture, etc.

For M.Pharma:

  • The OJEE syllabus 2023 for M.Pharma admissions is as per the syllabus of BPUT B. Pharm.

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