NTSE Result & Cutoff 2021

NTSE Result 2021: NTSE stage 1 result is expecting to be announced in the month of February 2021 whereas, stage-2 result will be declared in the month of June 2021. Candidates who have acquired qualifying marks in stage 1 exam are only permitted to appear in stage-2. Based on candidates’ performance in stage-2, it’ll be decided whether they are shortlisted for the scholarship or not.

NTSE is a national level scholarship exam that is organized in two stages i.e. Stage 1 and Stage 2. If you look over previous year analysis, you’ll see that around 4000 students selected from stage 1 every year for appearing in stage 2 exam.

Minimum Qualifying Marks

Candidates belonging to General category need to score a minimum 40% marks in each paper, whereas, SC/ST/PH category students need to obtain a minimum 35% marks for qualifying the test.

Scholarship Details

NTSE 2nd stage is assumed as the final round of the selection procedure. Students who are shortlisted after completion of the second stage exam, the scholarship will be provided to them in the following ways:

  • Scholarship of Rs.1250/- on a monthly basis will be awarded to shortlisted candidates for class XI to XII.
  • Scholarship of Rs.2000/- on a monthly basis will be awarded to shortlisted candidates for Undergraduates and Postgraduates programme.
  • The authority will provide a scholarship for PhD programme according to the norms prescribed by UGC.

Important Dates

Sl.No Events Tentative Dates
1. Date of publication of first stage result February 2021
2. Date of publication of second stage result June 2021
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