NTSE Application Form 2021: NTSE exam is going to be conducted in two stages and the respective dates have been released now. NCERT has released the latest notification regarding the NTSE exam and as per the notification, candidates can obtain the NTSE application form 2021 by contacting their respective state/UT Liasion officer.
Candidates must ensure their eligibility before they go to apply for the test. According to the latest NTSE notification, candidates need to contact the State/UT Liasion officer for procuring application form.
Table of Contents
From Where I can Obtain Application Form
Candidates basically have only one option for obtaining NTSE application form 2021:
- They can obtain the form by contacting the state/UT liaison officer.
NTSE Application Form Submission Deadline
The last date for submitting your application will be notified by respective State/UT and it may vary from state to state. We’ll intimate you with the state-wise deadline for submitting your form. You need to keep visiting the post to get yourself updated with the latest dates released officially.
Where to Submit My Filled Application Form
Your duly-filled application form must be signed by your school’s principal. You need to confirm the address where your application should be submitted to the liaison officer of your state. Please submit your form before the deadline specified by the authority.
Application Fee
The State and Union Territories are responsible for intimating the fee required to be submitted for the stage 1 examination. Therefore, candidates are required to contact the respective State Liasion Officer to make themselves aware of the fee charged for the Stage I exam and the mode of payment. However, candidates won’t be charged for the Stage II examination. Upon submission of your application form, you need to concentrate on making
Upon submission of your application form, you need to concentrate on making a strong strategy for your preparation. For the same, your first responsibility is collecting NTSE exam pattern, and based on that you should start your preparation.
Please share link Rajasthan NTSE form 2021
When will NTSE form 2020-2021 out?Please update me