National Talent Search Exam (NTSE) is held every year to select the most eligible candidates for scholarships for pursuing higher-level courses in India. The selection of the students for the scholarship award will be done on the basis of their performance in the two-stage selection process- state level and national level. Qualifying both levels is mandatory for the students to be considered for the scholarship. Application forms for the state level exam are expected to release in the month of September 2020. Candidates can find the complete details of NTSE 2021 from this article.
Table of Contents
NTSE 2021 Main Highlights
- The state-level exam is organized by the respective government and the national level exam is managed by NCERT.
- If a candidate studying abroad is selected, the scholarship shall be paid for pursuing studies in India only.
- In case the candidate’s address change after availability of admit card and before National Level Exam, he/she must communicate the same to the state examining authority or to NCERT.
- Awardees who leave their course of study within one month of registration or admission will forfeit their scholarship.
- Scholarship offered will be discontinued in case of any gap of one academic session in studies at any time due to any reason.
NTSE 2021 Important Dates
Check below the tentative dates related to NTSE 2021:
For state level exam
Activities | Tentative Dates |
Date of application form availability | September 2020, 2nd week |
Last date to submit the application form | September 2020, 3rd week |
Publication of admit card | October 2020, 4th week |
Exam date | November 2020, 1st week |
Announcement of result | January 2021/ February 2021 |
For national level exam
Events | Expected Dates |
Application form release date | Yet to be notified |
Last date for application form submission | December 2020, last week |
Issue of admit card | May 2021, 3rd week |
Date of exam | June 2021, 3rd week |
Result declaration | June 2021/ July 2021 |
NTSE 2021 Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must fulfill the below-mentioned eligibility criteria to appear for NTSE 2021:
For state-level exam:
- Those studying in class 10th of a recognized school are eligible to appear for the state level exam.
- Such candidates can appear from the state in which their school is located.
- There is no domicile restriction but the state may impose any other eligibility condition for appearing in the screening examination like any qualifying percentage of marks in the previous annual exam etc.
- Applicants registered under Open and Distance Learning (ODL) can appear for the exam too.
- However, such applicants should be below the age of 18 years as on 1st July 2021, must not be employed and appearing in class X for the first time.
For national level exam:
- Only the candidates who clear the state level exam are eligible to appear in the national level examination.
- Students of Indian nationality studying abroad at the Class X level can also appear for the national level exams given they score At least 60% aggregate marks at the previous annual examination.
- Such candidates will have to appear in the NTS exam at a centre in India at their own cost.
Note: Candidates studying abroad are exempted from appearing in the state level exam and can directly apply for national-level exam.
NTSE 2021 Application Form
Candidates will have to apply separately for the state level and national level talent search exam. Only those who clear the state level exam need to apply for the national level exam. Guidelines to fill and submit the application form are explained below.
- Application form can be filled by providing the basic personal and academic details of the candidates such as name, gender, school’s name, etc.
- Photograph and signature of the students should also be provided at the appropriate places.
- Once all the details are entered, the application form can be submitted with any required fee.
- Care should be taken to provide only correct details into the application form as incorrect details can make the form ineligible.
- The candidates should keep a copy of the application form with them in case of future reference.
Application fee
- For state-level exam, any fee may be prescribed by the respective state or union territories.
- There will be no entrance fee for the national level examination.
Applications of candidates studying abroad
- A candidate who is studying abroad may request for appearing in the NTS exam through the Head of the Institution where he or she is studying.
- The request should be submitted along with an attested copy (by the Head of the Institution) of the mark sheet of Class IX.
- Requests should reach the Head, Department of Educational Survey Division, NCERT, New Delhi-110016 latest by 31st December of the concerned year.
NTSE Exam Pattern
Details of exam pattern for NTSE 2021 are provided below:
State-level NTSE exam:
- Mode of Exam: Pen and paper-based
- Number of papers: 2
- Mental Ability Test- MAT
- Scholastic Ability Test- SAT
- Exam duration: 4 hours
- MAT- 2 hours
- SAT- 2 hours
- Break of 2 hours in between
- Question paper language: As per the decision made by the respective State/ Union Territories
- Number of questions: 200
- MAT- 100 questions
- SAT- 100 questions
- Type of questions: Objective type
- Total marks: 200
- MAT- 100 marks
- SAT- 100 marks
- Marking scheme: 1 mark for each right answer
- Negative marking: No negative marking
Paper | Test | No. of questions | Maximum marks |
Paper I | Mental Ability Test | 100 | 100 |
Paper-II | Scholastic Aptitude Test | 20 (Mathematics) + 40 (Science) + 40 (Social Science)
Total: 100 |
100 |
Total | ——— | 200 | 200 |
National level NTSE exam:
- Mode of Exam: Pen and paper-based
- Number of papers: 2
- Mental Ability Test- MAT
- Scholastic Ability Test- SAT
- Exam duration: 4 hours
- MAT- 2 hours
- SAT- 2 hours
- Break of 2 hours in between
- Question paper language: Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu
- Number of questions: 200
- MAT- 100 questions
- SAT- 100 questions
- Type of questions: Objective type
- Total marks: 200
- MAT- 100 marks
- SAT- 100 marks
- Marking scheme: 1 mark for each right answer
- Negative marking: No negative marking
Paper | Test | No. of questions | Maximum marks |
Paper I | Mental Ability Test | 100 | 100 |
Paper-II | Scholastic Aptitude Test | 20 (Mathematics) + 40 (Science) + 40 (Social Science)
Total: 100 |
100 |
Total | ——— | 200 | 200 |
NTSE 2021 Syllabus
- No definite syllabus has been prescribed for the NTS examination but the level of the questions asked will be of Classes IX and X.
- Candidates can, however, obtain a separate booklet called ‘Learn about the Test’ containing sample questions for both MAT and SAT from the official website of NCERT
Admit Card
- Candidates can download the e-admit card for appearing in the national level exam from the official website of NCERT.
- The applicants should take a printout of the admit card and paste an attested passport size photograph at the appropriate place.
- Those without a photo on the admit card may be allowed entry on the discretion of centre superintendent after submission of an attested photograph immediately after the exam.
- No candidate will be allowed to appear for the NTS exam without a valid admit card.
- The result of the national level exam will be declared online and the candidates can check it from NCERT website.
- Selected candidates shall also be informed through a letter sent to their registered address.
- The final award shall be given on the basis of combined scores of MAT and SAT.
- Qualified candidates also can check the marks scored by them from the official website of NCERT.
Eligibility for Scholarship
The candidates studying in Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Languages Commerce, vocational studies, and fine arts are eligible to receive scholarships up to Ph.D. level and those studying professional courses in medicines, engineering, technology, management, and law, are eligible up to second-degree level. Scholarships will be paid upon fulfillment of the following conditions:
- The awardees take up studies in approved courses and on a whole-time basis.
- He/she is not getting scholarships from other sources. In this case, the NTS scholarship will be temporarily discontinued for that period. The scholarship will be resumed when he/she approaches once again to NCERT after fulfilling other conditions.
- He/she does not take up any job with salary/ remuneration/ stipend.
Please update the form of ntse 2020-21
Can you please update me for form
Please inform when form come
I want to apply Ntse For2021 can any one tell me
anyone can provid me form
Hi friends I want the form of ntse 2021 and also want notes any one can reply me
please provide me the form
Hi I also apply for ntse please send me notes I am from a local village
whats the time of ntse exam can any one tell
The application form for Jharkhand is not appearing anywhere. Please update.
Please update form
what is entrance fee
200 for genral
140 for sc/st
Please send me the application form for NTSE 2018 and the date of sending the application
Please provide online application form of ntse in your website
Could you send me a link or details for Jammu and Kashmir state
give me the forms of NTSE
I filled online application form of NTSE-2018 and uploaded.Please let me advice whether I have to sent hardcopy of that application to NTSE authority.
I want to participate in ntse please suggest me for application form please
What is the paper size to fill the NTSE form?
Send me date of registration of ntse 2018
I want to know on what date up stage i application form declared
Please send me NTSE 2017 Tamil Madu applications.
I need the application form for NTSE 2018.
Can I get it?
How to apply for this exam
Let me know about this
Plz inform me about ntse application form
Please provid me date on which nose exam will conducted.I will try my level best…………
Please provid me date on which nose exam will conducted.I will try my level best…………
I want to apply for ntse 2018 , so please put application on online and also declare the important dates
I want to participate.Let me know that from which site i can
download the application form for ntse.
please send me the NTSE application form for 2017-18.
I am studying in class 10
So wants to apply this and
From where we can get form of ntse
Please notify me the application form for NTSE 2018
when you give a application form of 2018 ntse please give fast
Please update the application form.
How can I get application form
plz tell the releaz date of ntse forms
Please send me the application form..
Please leave me a notification during ntse 2018
Need more details.
I request, can you to please notify me when the application forms will be updated…..
when where I will get the form
plz tell me when n where I will get ntse form
plz tell me when n where I live get ntse form
Where to fill up this form and submit it. What will prove in filling it?
Can you please update me for application form
Please leave me a notification during ntse 2018
Can u tell me when ntse exam Ate will be declared
how to apply the form by online
give link of application form
Please send me application form for ntse 2018 .
I want to participate.
Important dates of NYSE 2018exem
Plz update application form of NTSE 2018
Please send me ntse form
send me NTSE application form
Sir please send me latest uptade about NTSE and when will application form is release and last date of NTSE stage 1 2018
I would like to participate for ntse 2018
Please suggest the application form and dates
Send me ntse application form
Update your data soon !!!
I want to apply for NTSE.What is the last date for submission form
Plz give me all the notifucations about NTSE.I am very much intrested in this examination.
Send me NTSE application form
Please send me NTSE application form.
kindly update about application form and update about curriculum
kindly update about application form
please inform me about the Examination date of NTSE and about the syllabus. And please kindly inform me about the other info too
Please give me admission/ registration dates
for ntse 10th class
and also will u please send me the application form.. please send them.. thank you
please inform me about the Examination date of NTSE and about the syllabus. And please kindly inform me about the other info too
How can I know when the application for NTSE is called for…..
I want to participate in NTSE 2018 please send application form and exam dates.
I want to apply for NTSE exam please suggest me how and when to fill application form for andhra pradesh
Please inform that when will forms be out and last date of form filling
When will forms be out please notify me about the date of application form of ntse exam.
please provide mee with the date for ntse application form be out soon as posible my email is [email protected] #2018
Plz notify me about the informations about the applications form of NTSE and about the dates of exams and other informations related to it…………
Thank you
Application form pls
Plz notify me about applications form of ntse and exam dates, admit card…..plzplz
Plz send me the lastdate to apply to Ntse and exact date of exam first and second stage
Kindly let us know next Telangana dates for collecting forms
I want to apply ntse 2018. So please inform me about NTSE Jharkhand application date and other information
Please help me to give application forum date just after declare.
Please help me to give date of application form just after declare
Pls. Tell me that from where i get form
Please inform me about NTSE West Bengal application date
please help me how can I apply for ntse
pls inform me about NTSE stage 1
Please inform me about NTSE STAGE 1 date.
Pls give me application form ntse 2018
Pls give the application form 2018
When will forms be out for ntse
I want to participate in NTSE for academic year 2017-18 please suggest for application form.
Could u please notify me ’bout the application form
Can u plz update me the date, application forms will be available and the deadline too.
I want to apply for ntse 2018……please suugest for tge application form
Form fill up date for 2018
Form filling date for ntse2018
i want to apply for ntse exam please suggest for the application form
Please send me the application form for NTSE 2018 and the date of sending the application
I want applying ntse. So please suggest me for application form.
could u please update the admission form sheet in ur website
Can you update me this