NEET 2023: Application Form (Available), Exam Date, Important Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus & Exam Pattern

NEET 2023: The National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting a common entrance test for providing the candidates admissions in different medical schools all over the country. This test, known as NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Exam), is considered as the most prominent medical exam. The different entrance exam is conducted to provide admission in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. For undergraduate, NEET UG is organized and for the postgraduate degree, NEET PG is organized. The interested candidates can get an overview of NEET 2023 from our article.

Latest: NEET 2023 application form has been released now.

NEET 2023 exam date has been announced now. The exam will be conducted on 7th May 2023. 

NEET 2023 Important Dates

Events Dates
Release of Application form 6th March 2023
Last date for filling the application form and application fee 6 April 2023 (up to 11:50 PM)
Correction Window Open To be updated
Admit Card Availability To be updated
Date of Exam 7th May 2023 (out)
Declaration of Result To be updated

NEET 2023: Quick Things to be Noted

  • It is only possible to apply for NEET exam online. Application form submitted through any other mode will not be accepted. Only one application needs to be submitted by a candidate.
  • To apply online candidates need to visit official website of NTA /
  • Candidates should apply for NEET strictly by following the rules provided in the brochure.
  • They should provide their own mobile number and email address while filling the application form.
  • The application process is completely online, including uploading scanned copy of documents, fee payment etc. Hence, you don’t need to send hard copy of the application form to the concerned authority.
  • You can’t bring Geometry/ Instrument/ Pencil box, Purse, Handbag, any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (written or printed material), Water & printed (loose or packed), Ear Phone/ Mobile Phone/ Microphone/ Pager, Docu Pen, Calculator, Slide Rules, Camera, Log Tables, Watches, Tape Recorder, microchip or electronic devices/ gadgets inside the Room/ Examination Hall.
  • Diabetic students are permitted to bring eatables fruits/tablets such as apple/orange/banana and transparent water bottle inside the examination hall. However, they are not allowed to bring packed food such as candy/chocolates/sandwich etc.

NEET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit

  • The applicants should have completed 17 years of age at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December of the year of the admission.
  • The upper age limit is 25 years. A relaxation of 5 years in the upper age limit is provided to the SC/ST/PWD candidates. Last year, the age limit was removed through an official notification. We can’t guarantee whether the upper age limit exists or not this year. It will be notified after the release of NEET 2023 information brochure.

The age criteria are as follows:

Category Age Criteria
Unreserved category (UR) born on or between 05.05.1998 and 31.12.2006
SC/ST/OBC/PwD Category born on or between 05.05.1993 and 31.12.2006

Educational Qualification

  • The applicant must have passed class 12th examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology and English as compulsory subjects. The appearing candidates are also eligible.
  • It is compulsory to be passed in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English individually and scored at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology in the qualifying examination.
  • Candidates of SC/ST/OBC category are required to obtain 40% marks. Whereas, the criterion is 45% for PwD category candidates.


The candidates of Indian Nationality, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), Overseas Citizen of India (OCIs), Persons with Indian Origin (PIOs) & Foreign Nationals are eligible to appear in NEET 2023.

NEET 2023 Application Form

The application form for NEET 2023 has been released on 6th March 2023. The form is now available online on the official website. The candidates will have to register themselves before they can start filling out the form. Registration will be done using a valid email id and mobile number. After filling the application form correctly, the candidates can submit it along with the application fee of Rs 1400/- for UR/OBC candidates and Rs 750/- for the SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Transgender candidates.

Prerequisites for filling NEET Application Form

Candidates need to visit the official website of NTA i.e. to apply online for the exam. Before submission of the application form please prepare yourself in terms of the following:

  • The information that are needed to be filled such as your name, father’s name, mother’s name with correct spelling, Aadhaar card (last four digits)/passport number/election card/bank account number/ration card number/other valid Govt. ID, address, date of birth, email ID, mobile number etc.
  • Type of permissible IDs are as follows:
Candidates’ category Permissible IDs
Indian Nationals Aadhaar Number (last four digits), Ration Card Number, Election Card (EPIC No.), Passport Number, Bank Account Number, or any other valid Govt. ID
Foreign Nationals/ OCI/PIO Passport number
NRIs Aadhaar Number (last four digits), Passport number
  • Scanned copy of your photograph (size 10 kb to 200 kb) and signature (size 10 kb to 200 kb) in JPG/JPEG format.

Instructions to fill the online application form

  • Double-verify your eligibility before you makes an application for NEET exam. Please go through the information brochure and read all related information. You can directly ask to us if you have any confusion (s).
  • Candidates need to provide complete postal address along with the PIN code and email address for future use.
  • They need to provide their own email address and phone number.
  • Candidates who are appearing in class XII examination in 2020 they need to fillup qualifying code as 01.
  • Only one application form is required to be submitted by one candidate.
  • Please download the confirmation page generated after the successful submission of the application form.

Particulars to filled in the application form

Permanent Address
Passport Number/Ration Card Number/Bank Account Number/Any other valid Govt. Id. Number / Aadhaar Number (last 4 digits) / Election Card (EPIC No.)
State/District of Birth
Father’s/Guardian’s/Mother’s Occupation
Father’s/Guardian’s/Mother’s Educational Qualifications
Father’s/Guardian’s/Mother’s total annual Income
Medium of Question Paper
Year of Class XII/Equivalent passed/appearing
Percentage of marks/Grade in class X/ Equivalent & XII/ Equivalent
State/District of class X, XI & XII
Minority Status
Disability Status as per guidelines of MCI
Type of Institution of class XII/ Equivalent
Belonging to Rural/Urban area
State to which the applicant belongs to,
Qualifying examination code
School Education Board
Choice of Examination Centres/Cities

Application Fee

NEET application fee

Fee Payment

  • One can make payment online using credit card/debit card/internet banking.
  • Cash deposit through e-challan.

NEET 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus for the NEET 2023 will be based on the 11th and 12th standard curriculum. The whole syllabus for the exam is prescribed by the Medical Council of India (MCI). The topics are covered from the Chemistry, Physics, Zoology and Botany subjects.

NEET 2023 Admit Card 

The admit card for candidates will be available to download at the official website of NTA. The date for the availability of admit card may fall in April 2023. Candidates can find information about their respective examination centre in the admit card.

Candidates are required to download their admit card once it is available online and follow the instructions mentioned therein. Please note that admit card will not be sent to you through post or any other mode. When you download your admit card a copy of the same will be emailed to you to your registered email ID.

The admit card host information like your name, roll number, category, father’s name, category, sub-category, signature, photograph, date of birth, question paper language, name and address of the test centre.

NEET 2023 Exam Cities/Centres

While filling up Online Application Form, all the Candidates i.e. Indian nationals, NRIs, OCI, PIO and Foreign nationals should select four Convenient City Codes as their choice of centre and cities.

For their own convenience, the candidates may select the city codes for their own city or for neighboring cities in their state of Residence only and not for far away cities in other states. In case, these instructions are not complied
with, the NTA will not be responsible for any inconvenience due to incorrect selection of city codes by the candidates.

In case, the number of candidates opting for a city is less than a certain minimum, NTA reserves its right not to allot any centre in that City.

In case, the number of candidates opting for a city as centre with Regional language (other than English and Hindi) is less than certain minimum, candidates opting the same Regional language may be allotted Centre in  another city irrespective of the city opted by the candidates for appearing in the examination.

Though, every effort will be made to allot a centre in one of the cities selected by the candidate, the NTA reserves its right to allot a centre in city other than the candidate’s choice.

Allotment of centres will be done by Computer and there will be no human intervention.

Note: All effort will be made by NTA to consider the comfort and convenience of candidates, including for those falling under PwD, while allotting Centres.

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

The NEET 2023 exam is conducted in the pen-and-paper mode. All the questions asked are of objective type and there will be 4 marks awarded for each correct answer. There is negative marking for the answers attempted wrong. For each incorrect answer, 1 mark will be deducted. The duration of the paper will be 3 hours and the paper will be provided in 11 different languages: English, Hindi, Tamil, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Oriya, Urdu, Marathi, and Telugu. Explore more about the exam pattern:

Subjects No. of Questions Total Marks
Chemistry 45 180
Physics 45 180
Zoology 45 180
Botany 45 180
Total 180 720

Option for choosing a regional language will be allowed as per the following information:

Question Paper Medium Test Centres
English and Hindi All Test Centre Cities
English and Kannada Test Centre Cities in Karnataka
English and Gujarati Test Centre Cities in Daman and Diu, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli
English and Bengali Test Centre Cities in West Bengal and Tripura
English and Assamese Test Centre Cities in Assam

General Instructions

National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test NEET UG 2023 will be conducted as per regulations of the Indian Medical Council Act-1956 and the Dentists Act-1948, and as amended from time to time.

Merely appearing and qualifying in NEET UG 2023 does not confer any right to the candidate for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses. The selection and admission to MBBS/BDS seats in any Medical Institution recognized for
offering MBBS/BDS Courses is subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, rank in merit list, medical fitness and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the Government of India, respective States, Universities,
Insitutions and Medical/Dental Colleges.

Applications of candidates submitting false and fabricated information will not be considered and such candidates will be further debarred from appearing in examinations conducted by the NTA.

Incomplete application and applications not in accordance with instructions will not be considered and are liable to be rejected without any further intimation. The examination fee once deposited will not be refunded in such cases.

Fee will neither be carried forward to a future examination nor refunded. Submission of online application and remittance of fee would close as per the schedule given and no request for extension of time shall be entertained.
Applications once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Candidates must note that mere deduction of fee from the bank account is not a proof of fee payment. The payment should be supported by fee updation and generation of Confirmation Page.

Instructions in the Information Bulletin may change based on decisions taken by the NTA and other authorities from time to time. Candidates are advised to regularly check the website for any further updates or

NTA reserves the right to withdraw permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any candidate who is not eligible to appear in the NEET (UG) – 2023 even though the Roll Number and Admit Card has been issued by the NTA.

Candidate’s eligibility for NEET (UG) – 2023 is purely provisional and is subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria as prescribed by the MoH&FW/MCI/DCI/NTA/MCC/other admitting Institution as applicable.

Preparation Tips for NEET 2023

Clearing the NEET will allow you to take admissions in some of the finest medical colleges situated all over the country. So, it becomes very important to prepare rigorously for this exam. Here are some basic tips that will help the students to prepare well for the NEET 2023 examination:

  • It is very important to collect all the important study material before you start your preparation.
  • Time-management is very important while preparing for NEET, so the students are advised to make a proper timetable.
  • Practicing previous years’ papers is considered quite helpful while preparing for the entrance exam.
  • The most important thing is that you remain healthy and stress-free while preparing for the NEET 2023.

Recommended Books for NEET 2023

The following books are considered to be the most helpful while preparing for NEET 2023:

  • For Physics: HC Verma and NCERT
  • For Chemistry: New Pattern Chemistry by RK Gupta and NCERT
  • For Biology: Objective Biology by Dinesh and NCERT

NEET 2023 Answer Key

NEET 2023 answer key will be hosted at the official website of NTA or Candidates having any sort of concern against the answer key they can raise the same. They can put challenge against the answer key online by paying a non-refundable processing fee of Rs.1000/- per answer challenged. NTA will look into the matter and release the final answer key. We’ll host the direct link to check answer key once it is available online.

Display of Answer Key for challenge

  • The NTA will display Answer Key of the questions, giving opportunity to the candidates to challenge, in case of any doubt in the answer key on the website For exact date of display of Answer Key, candidates may regularly check updates on NTA website after the examination.
  • Candidates will be given an opportunity to make online challenge against the Answer Key on payment of non-refundable processing fee of Rs.1000/- per\ answer challenged.
  • Challenges made by the candidates will be verified by the NTA with the help of its subject experts. If found correct, the answer key will be revised accordingly. Based on the revised Answer Key, result will be prepared and declared.
  • No individual candidate will be informed about the acceptance/nonacceptance of his/her challenge.
  • The key finalized after the challenge will be final.

Re-checking/re-evaluation of answer sheets

The machine – gradable Answer Sheets are evaluated with extreme care and are repeatedly scrutinised.

There is no provision for re-checking/re-evaluation of the answer sheets. This is because of the following reasons:

  • The candidates are given an opportunity to make the representation on the OMR gradation of their OMR sheets and also given an opportunity to challenge the answer key in case of any doubt.
  • The OMRs are machine gradable which are being evaluated through specific software impartial to all.

No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

NEET 2023 Result

  • NTA will conduct the entrance test, evaluate answer sheets and publish result accordingly. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of directives shared by DGHS, MCI, and DCI.
  • The authority will not prepare category wise result. NTA will host the result at its official website. Further, candidates can download it from there.
  • All students appearing in NEET UG 2023 should regularly check updates on the website of NTA, MoH & FW, Medical Counselling Committee ( and Participating States/Universities/Institutions till the final round of counselling.

Here are the details about admission and reservation, have a look:

An All India Merit List of the qualified candidates shall be prepared on the basis of All India Rank in the Merit List of the NEET (UG) – 2023 and candidates shall be admitted to MBBS/BDS Courses from the said list only by following the already existing reservation policy. NTA will provide All India Rank. Admitting Authorities will invite applications for counselling and merit list shall be drawn based on All India Rank by the Admitting Authorities. Admission to MBBS/BDS Courses within the respective categories shall be based solely on All India Rank as per merit list of NEET UG 2023.

The admitting/counselling authorities will draw merit list of the candidates in the respective categories, declared by the candidates at the time of applying for admission/counselling.

Merit list for counselling under 15% All India Quota

The merit list of the eligible and successful candidates who have opted for 15% All India quota seats will be prepared by the NTA on the basis of marks obtained in the NEET (UG) – 2023. The list of successful candidates shall be forwarded to the Directorate General of Health Services (Medical Examination Cell), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India for the purpose of allotment of seats by Online Counselling to 15% All India Quota Seats.

Merit list for seats other than 15% All India Quota

  • NTA will provide All India Rank. Result will be given to the DGHS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India to provide the same to the Admitting Authorities.
  • Admitting Authorities will invite applications for Counselling and merit list shall be drawn based on All India Rank by the Admitting Authorities subject to their applicable rules.
  • The admitting/counselling authorities will draw merit list of the candidates in the respective categories declared by the candidates at the time of applying for admission/counselling based on State rules.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What will be the mode of NEET application- online or offline?

Answer: NEET application form will be releasing through online mode.

Question 2: In which mode, NEET exam will be conducted?

Answer: NEET exam will be conducted in pen-and-paper mode.

Question 3: Who conducts the NEET exam?

Answer: The National Testing Agency conducts NEET exam.

NEET 2023 Counselling

Counselling for Seats Under 15% All India Quota and all seats in Central Institutions Including AFMC, ESI, Delhi University (DU), BHU & AMU and Deemed Universities

Online counselling would be conducted by the Medical Counselling Committee of the Directorate General of Health Services. Information for online counselling would only be available on Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) website ( Qualified candidates are advised to read the counselling related information carefully and understand the course of action to be taken by them for appearing in the Counselling. Any query related to 15 % All India Quota, Central Institutions including AFMC, ESI, Delhi University (DU), BHU & AMU and Deemed Universities Counselling may be referred to the following address:

The Assistant Director General (ME)
Directorate General of Health Services,
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110 108
E-mail: [email protected]

For all counselling related queries, scheme of counselling, FAQs’, please refer to the website Candidates are advised to continuously update themselves regarding circulars, notices, news events etc. from the above website.

Counselling and Admission for seats other than 15% All India seats

Candidates wishing to apply for admission in State Medical Colleges/ Universities/Institutions using merit list of NEET UG 2023 shall follow the instructions of the State Government and/or authorities of the Medical/Dental
colleges/Institution/University concerned for counselling. Counselling for Private Medical Colleges (except Deemed) will be with the respective State Governments.

The admitting/counselling authorities will draw merit list of the candidates in the respective categories declared by the candidates at the time of applying for admission/counselling. The NTA will not make any change in candidates’ data after the opportunity for the same is closed. In no case, the change of data submitted by candidate in the online Application Form shall be made by NTA, after declaration of result.

In the application form, categories of the candidates have been obtained as per Central Category List. For the counselling and admission on seats other than 15% All India Quota Seats, candidates will register for counselling as per their eligibility by giving the category based on the State category list and merit list will be prepared accordingly by the concerned Counselling Authority.

The domicile criteria would be as per the State concerned and NTA has no role to play in it.

Important Websites

The official website of the Agency for NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY CUM ENTRANCE TEST (UG) is All the test related information will be available on this website only.

The official websites for counselling of 15% All India seats, Central Institutions and Deemed Universities related information are as under:

  • Ministry of Health & Family Welfare : and
  • Medical Counselling Committee:

For remaining seats, kindly check the website(s) of concerned State(s)/ Institution(s).

Notwithstanding anything contained in the Information Bulletin, the decision of NTA/MoHFW/DGHS/MCI/DCI shall be final and binding.

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