NCHMCT JEE Eligibility Criteria 2023

NCHMCT JEE Eligibility Criteria 2023: Candidates, appearing in NCHM Joint Entrance Examination, they must read its related eligibility conditions. We have collected here all possible information related to NCHM JEE eligibility criteria for the convenience of aspirants.

NCHM JEE is going to be organized in paper-pencil mode for admission to three years duration B.Sc in Hospitality and Hotel Administration programme offered by its 52 participating institutions. Before applying for NCHMCT JEE, it is essential for aspirants to read its related eligibility conditions.

NCHMCT JEE Eligibility Criteria 2023

Find below minimum eligibility criteria for appearing in NCHMCT JEE 2023:

  • Candidates who have cleared intermediate or its equivalent exam with English as one of the subjects they may apply.
  • Candidates appeared in final year intermediate exam, but awaiting the result, may apply. Admission of such candidates will be assumed provisional until they submit their necessary qualifying exam certificates.
  • The upper age limit for applicants of unreserved and OBC category candidates are 22 years (25 years of SC/ST categories).

Clearing NCHM JEE opens the gateway for aspirants seeking admission to 3-year duration B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration programme. National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT JEE) is the conducting authority that conducts this exam in the month of April every year.

Aspirants, fulfilling the required eligibility criteria as we’ve mentioned above, can apply for the test commencing from July 2023. Candidates should not apply if they are not meeting with required criteria as their candidature will be canceled at a later stage if they are found ineligible.

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