MHT CET Eligibility Criteria 2022- Nationality, Qualification

Candidates, who want to appear in MHT CET exam 2022, should satisfy the prescribed eligibility criteria before applying for the exam. Basically, the Indian nationals who pass the qualifying examination i.e. Higher Secondary Class/12th Standard examination or its equivalent qualification with minimum qualifying marks are eligible to apply. Moreover, there is no provision of age limit for admission and appearing to MHT CET exam. The complete details of MHT CET eligibility criteria 2022 are listed below:

Eligibility criteria for admission to Technology/ Engineering, Pharmacy, Pharm D. programmes

(A) Candidature Type.

(1) Candidature of Maharashtra State: Applicants who satisfy any of the following type of Maharashtra State Candidature Type i.e. from Type A to E will be considered in Maharashtra State candidature.

Type Eligibility Criteria Home University


Type – A Applicants should pass SSC and also 12th or Diploma in Engineering or Bachelor of Science Examination from a recognized school/board/ institution in Maharashtra State.

An applicant who is either hold permanent domicile of Maharashtra and/or is born in the state of Maharashtra.

Qualifying Examination should pass within the influence of the respective University area.
Type – B An applicant who does not come in Type-A, but who or whose guardians/ parents is domiciled in the Maharashtra state and hold Domicile Certificate. Place of resident certificate offering authority fall in within the jurisdiction of the particular University area.
Type – C A Candidate whose parents/ guardians is an employee of the central Government of India or Government of India Undertaking and who has been appointed and joined to duty in state of Maharashtra before the deadline of CAP application submission Place of redeployment of candidate’s parents falling within the jurisdiction of the particular University area.
Type-D An applicant who does not satisfy any of the above Types but whose guardians/parents are in service or retired employee of the Government of Maharashtra Undertaking or Government of Maharashtra Place of redeployment of candidate’s parents or the place of previous posting if deputed outer Maharashtra or the place of settlement of parents if retired falling within the jurisdiction of the particular University area
Type -E Applicants who qualify SSC and/or HSC Examination from a recognized institution/school situated in a disputed Maharashtra Karnataka Border Area; whose regional language is Marathi. Applicants will be considered for the outer Home University or State Level Seats
  1. All India Candidature

Applicants who possess Indian Nationality are considered eligible to fall in this Category.

  1. Minority Candidature

Applicants who belong to a particular Linguistic or Religious Minority Community from Maharashtra state and as notified by the Government are considered eligible to fall in this Category.

  1. Jammu and Kashmir Migrant Candidature

The following categories come under this type of candidature:

  1. a) The wards of people, who are moved from J& K to any part of India or from insecure border area of J& K to a fairly safer place in J& K from 1990 onwards due to terrorist activities; or
  2. b) The kids of officers belonging to Indian Police Services (IPS) or Indian Administrative Services (IAS) or Indian Foreign Services (IFS) and wards of staff belonging to paramilitary and military forces posted to Jammu and Kashmir to battle with terrorist activities and joined the job on or before the deadline of application submission; or
  3. c) The children of officers and staff of J& K police working in fighting against terrorism are eligible under this category
  4. Children of Indian employees in the Gulf countries, Children of OCI / NRI / PIO, Foreign National – Such types of Candidature applicants are exempted from appearing for MHT CET.
  5. Other eligibility criteria

Year and course Eligibility criteria and requirements for admission


1st year  Engineering / Technology (1) Maharashtra State Candidature applicants. –

·         Only Indian national can apply.

·         Applicant should pass HSC or its equivalent examination with minimum qualifying marks with Mathematics and Physics as required subjects along with one of the Biotechnology or Biology or Chemistry or Technical or Vocational subjects

·         Should qualify the MHT-CET organized by the Competent Authority.

(2) All India Candidature applicants, J & K Migrant Candidature Applicants.-

·         Only Indian national can apply;

·         Applicant should pass HSC or its equivalent examination with minimum qualifying marks with Mathematics and Physics as required subjects along with one of the Biotechnology or Biology or Chemistry or Technical or Vocational subjects

·         Qualify JEE (Main) Paper I or MHT-CET.

1st year Pharmacy All India Candidature Candidates and Maharashtra State Candidature applicants

·         Indian citizen can apply.

·         Pass the qualifying examination i.e. HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Chemistry as necessary subjects along with one of the Biotechnology or Mathematics or Biology and scored minimum percentage of marks in the above subjects taken together;

·         Qualified the MHT-CET

1st year – Pharm D All India Candidature Candidates and Maharashtra State Candidature

·         The applicant should be Indian.

·         Pass the qualifying exam i.e. HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Chemistry as necessary subjects along with one of the Biotechnology or Mathematics or Biology with minimum qualifying marks.

·         Pass the Diploma Course in Pharmacy from institutes affiliated to State Board and having the approval of competent State Government and central authority with a minimum required percentage of

·         The candidate must clear the MHT-CET with scoring a minimum of 50% marks

Read all the criteria as said above and confirm that you are meeting the required criteria. Once you confirm your eligibility then you may proceed to fill up the application form.

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