How to prepare for AIIMS exam? This could be a common asked by most of the medical aspirants. Getting admitted into MBBS programme at the All India Institutes of Medical Sciences is probably a dream of every student. However, if you want to make your dream comes true then there is a distance you have to travel. You have to prepare for the exam with highly-acknowledged study materials and the right approach.
The AIIMS MBBS Application form is possible to be released in the month of January and the test will be held most probably in the month of May. So, you still have enough time to prepare for the exam.
Being a National level Medical Competitive Entrance Exam, preparing for AIIMS MBBS is not that much easy for all candidates. It would be more than wise if candidates start preparing for the exam before they dream of having an MBBS degree from AIIMS. Some tips and tricks have been provided below in the post which will be helpful for the aspirants for AIIMS MBBS Preparation.
AIIMS exam authority notifies the candidates about the syllabus of the exam in the official notification when it is published in the month of January. Candidates are asked the questions in the examination form the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany & Zoology) and General Knowledge along with the questions of the Aptitude & Logical Thinking.
- The subjects will have different topics which will be included in the exam such as the section of Physics will have questions from the Thermodynamics, Measurement, Circular Motion, Nuclear Physics, Electronic Devices, Motion, Electro-Magnetic Induction, etc. which candidates need to be well versed with before appearing in the examination.
- The Chemistry will include the topics of Elements and Compounds, Molecule and Chemical Bond, States of Matter, Periodic Properties of Elements, General & Inorganic Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Equilibrium etc.
- The topics in the subject of Biology will be of Developmental Biology Anatomy and Physiology, Genetics and Evolution, Diversity of Animal Life, Histology, Reproductive System, Absorption and cell water relations, Anatomy and Physiology of Plants, Meristems-Plant growth, and development and transport of water and minerals and some others.
- The general knowledge doesn’t have any specific exam pattern, however, the examination authority expects from the candidates to be well aware of the general science, arts, Indian culture Indian polity and facts of the economy. It is also necessary for the candidates to be updated of the current affairs.
AIIMS MBBS Preparation Tips
- As the AIIMS exam will be conducted through the online mode, therefore, candidates need to gain some skill to be able to operate the computer.
- The topics will be ranging from the subjects of Physic to Biology to chemistry and then the general awareness, therefore, it will be advantageous for the candidates to give equal time to each subject as the weight will be same for all except the GK.
- The time man agent is very crucial in the exam and that candidates can learn by attending the mock test.
- In addition to that, the AIIMS MBBS will be an objective test and that is why candidates are advised not make bounces while answering the questions. Answer only if you are sure because there will be negative marking of 1/3rd in the AIIMS MBBS Exam 2020.
- Find out the areas where you are weak and where you are strong and then prepare accordingly.
- Last but not least, candidates are required to take care of their health while preparing for the examination as if get sick, it will leave a bad mark on your preparation.
Best recommended Books for AIIMS MBBS
Below, we have listed some of the best reference books for preparing for AIIMS MBBS.
- Trueman’s Objective Biology for Medical Entrance Examinations
- Exploring Biology for Medical Entrances (Volume I & II) (English)
- Trueman’s Elementary Biology, Vol I and II (English)
- Modern’s ABC of Chemistry for Class 11th and 12th (Volume I & II).
- Objective NCERT at your Fingertips Chemistry (Class 11 + 12) (English) by MTG
- Concepts of Physics Volume I and II by H.C Verma
- Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker
- Objective Physics for Medical Entrance Examinations (Volume I and II)
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