M.J.P. Rohilkhand University PhD Admission 2021-22

M.J.P. Rohilkhand University PhD Admission 2021: Applications will be invited by Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University (MJP Rohilkhand University) from eligible and interested candidates for admission to PhD programme through entrance test for academic session 2021-22. Applicants seeking admission to said programme must apply on or before the due date. Through this post, candidates can check all important details about MJP Rohilkhand University PHD admission 2021.

Eligibility Criteria for M.J.P. Rohilkhand University PhD Admission 2021

Candidates must satisfy prescribed eligibility criteria before applying Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University Phd admission for the academic year 2021.

  • Candidate should hold a post graduation degree with minimum percentage of marks in the subject concerned.
  • Candidates holding a master’s degree in the allied subject may also be considered eligible to apply for PhD admission.
  • Candidates pursuing/appearing in the final year of Master’s degree can also apply for Phd admission provided they must satisfy minimum eligibility criteria in the final result.

Application Form: How to apply

  • The application form for MJP Rohilkhand University Phd admission will be available online through university’s website i.e. http://www.mjpru.ac.in. The aspirants can download the applications from MJP University Website
  • They need to fill the details asked for, i.e. Exam Type, programme Type, and Course Name by their own handwriting.
  • At the last, the form needs to be submitted to the authority along with all enclosures as mentioned in the brochure.

Entrance examination pattern

  • Candidates have to appear in the entrance test named as CET. The exam will be based on questions with short answers. The test will contain two question papers.
  • The first paper will comprise of 100 short answer type questions for 100 minutes.
  • The second paper will comprise of 200 questions of 200 marks of 3 hours duration for checking the subject expertise, research aptitude and subject knowledge.
  • There will be no negative marking.

Selection Process

Selection of the candidate will be done on the basis of marks obtained in qualifying entrance test followed by interview and group discussion.

Important Dates (tentative)

  • Availability of application form: June 2021
  • Deadline for the submission of application form: July 2021

M. J. P. Rohilkhand University

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68 thoughts on “M.J.P. Rohilkhand University PhD Admission 2021-22”

  1. Sir
    Mujhe Diploma in Veterinary & livestock Development Assistant course Karna h
    Sir Kuch bataye ge

  2. hlw sir…i hv cmpltd m.a in english in mjpunivrsty n now i wnt to do ph.d
    plz tell me sir what i do.entrnc exm date kb h???

  3. Sir, I am M SC in Chenistry with 53.3% and I am physically disabled. I am Nepali citizen.Can I apply for PhD ? I am a permanent lecturer in Kathmandu.

  4. I have got 40% of marks in post graduation …and I want to do PhD …am I eligible to appear in the mjpru PhD entrance exam ..plz guide me as soon as possible …

    • Students having post-graduate degree from UGC approved ‘Integrated Course’ with
      minimum 55% marks are eligible to apply.

  5. Dear sir,
    I am post graduate from Mjpru in year 2006. Currently working in Hdfc bank. Is there any part time program for PhD in management. Please guide.

  6. Sir pls tell me about required percentage in m.a for SC candidate for filling ph.d entrance form .

  7. Sir I am of in English with 54.4% marks in m.a. I belong to schedule category. Can I apply for p.h.d

  8. Sir/madam,I am podt graduate in m.a. education from ccs University meerut in year 2011with 56.7% and ex-serviceman of b.ed from bareilly college bareilly in year 1990.so sir send PhD admission details on my email I’d……. indrapal Singh Chauhan village and post….dhakia Tiwari, shahjahanpur pin242407

  9. My name shisupal fron bareilly l am pass m.com from bareilly collage .please give me information p.hd intrence exame date2017/18

    • Sir,Please tell me that NET is compulsory or not to appear in PhD entrance exam 2017 as education(MEd) subject.

  10. Chemistery mai ph.d karne hai to sir eske entrance forms kb neklege plz reply information my m.sc complete year 2017

    • From 13 june 2017 to the 10 july 2017 is the the period in which you my apply for phd programe by offline mode.


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