Lakshadweep ITI Admission 2023: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Dates

Lakshadweep ITI Admission 2023: Dr. B.R. Ambedkhar Industrial Training Institute, Kavaratti, Lakshadweep annually invites the applications from the local candidates for admission in different trades under National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT). These trades are offered by the ITI located in the UT of Lakshadweep and include courses for services such as carpenter, mechanical diesel engine, stenographer, and secretarial assistant and sewing technology. Interested candidates can apply for Lakshadweep ITI admission 2023 by filling the application form.

The application form might release from September 2023. Before filling the form, candidates are advised to take a look at the eligibility criteria to ensure that they fulfill the conditions laid down by the authority. Lakshadweep ITI admission 2023 will solely be based on the marks secured by the candidates in the respective qualifying exams that vary according to the trades.

Lakshadweep ITI Admission 2023

ITI Admission Lakshadweep ITI Admission 2023
Who conducts the admission? Dr. B.R. Ambedkhar Industrial Training Institute, Kavaratti, Lakshadweep
State Lakshadweep
Mode of Application Online
Basis of Admission Merit-based
Official website

Lakshadweep ITI Admission 2023 Schedule

The official schedule for admission to Lakshadweep ITI are provided below-

Events Dates
Availability of application form September 2023 (tentative)
Last date to apply for admission To be announced
Merit list announcement To be announced
Commencement of counselling To be announced
Reporting to the ITI to confirm admission To be announced
Beginning of training To be announced

Lakshadweep ITI admission 2023 Application form

To apply for admission in Lakshadweep ITI, candidates need to fill their particulars in the application form for the same. The application form for Lakshadweep ITI admission can be purchased from the office of the Deputy Collector, SDO, ASDO, and other authorized officer in the respective islands. Candidates need to attest the following documents with the application form- SSLC marksheet, SSLC passing certificate, DOB proof, Caste/community certificate, Aadhar card, First page of bank account passbook (personal account only).

The application form will contain the details such as name, address, mobile number, nationality, educational qualification, preference and name of trade, and so on.

These details should be entered carefully as once the form is sent to the authorities, no change request shall be entertained by them. Candidates should send the form on or before the due date specified by the authority or else their applications will end up getting rejected.

Lakshadweep ITI Admission 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must fulfill the eligibility requirement for admission in different ITI trades. The eligibility criteria are as follow-

  • Nationality and domicile: Candidates must be an Indian National and belong to the UT of Lakshadweep. They should be a domicile of Lakshadweep and should follow the local/non-local status as per the rules.
  • Age limit: The age of the candidates should not be less than 14 years old as on 1st August 2023.
  • Educational qualification: Candidates should have passed class 8th examination or have completed SSLC from a recognized board are eligible to apply for Lakshadweep ITI admission 2023.

Lakshadweep ITI Admission 2023 Selection Procedure

  • To select the candidates for Lakshadweep ITI admission, the authority will prepare a merit list based on the marks obtained by them in the concerned qualifying examination.
  • Only those candidates will be qualified for the counselling process whose name appears in the merit list.
  • The merit list will be published on the official website of Lakshadweep government in the 2nd week of July 2023.
  • Candidates selected will be invited for counselling where a seat will be allotted to them as per their merit rank, availability of seat and choice of trade opted in the form.
  • Candidates need to report to the concerned ITI and finish the admission related formalities.
  • At the time of counselling, the authorities will verify the documents produced by the candidates to make sure that they are eligible for admission in the concerned trade.

Documents to be submitted for verification

Given below are the documents that the candidates need to produce at the time of counselling for verification. Candidates need to carry the original and photocopies of the relevant documents.

  • SSLC mark sheet and passing certificate
  • Migration certificate/ transfer certificate
  • Birth certificate or SSLC certificate
  • Domicile proof
  • Caste/community certificate (as applicable)
  • Bank account details
  • Aadhar card
  • 4 copies of passport-sized photographs
  • First page of bank passbook (personal account only)
  • Differentially-abled certificate (if applicable).

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What will be mode of Lakshadweep ITI application form?

Answer: Candidates can obtain Lakshadweep ITI application form in both online as well as offline mode.

Question 2: What is the minimum age requirement for Lakshadweep ITI?

Answer: Candidates should have completed minimum 14 years of age.

Question 3: What about candidates who skipped the counseling process?

Answer: If a candidate is unable to attend the counseling then his/her parent/guardian may attend the counseling on his/her behalf. However, if a candidate simply skipped counseling without informing the concerned authority then his/her seat stands cancelled.

Question 4: What are the various trades being offered by it is in Lakshadweep?

Answer: The list of trades offered includes Carpenter, Sewing Technology, Mechanic Diesel Engine, Stenography & Secretarial Assistant (English).

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