JNAFAU Hyderabad B.Arch Admission 2023: Eligibility Criteria, Important Dates

JNAFAU Hyderabad B.Arch admission: Applications will be invited by JNAFAU Hyderabad from National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA)qualified applicants who wants admission into first year B.Arch Degree Course offered under the Private/ Govt. /Minority/Unaided colleges approved by the Council of Architecture, New Delhi for the academic session 2023-24.

Course and seats details

Duration of the course: Under Graduate 5 – year B.Arch Course

Seats offered: 715 (Convener Quota – 521 and Management Quota – 189; 05 GOI Nominee)

JNAFAU 2023 Important Dates (Tentative)

Events Dates
Registration held on To be updated
Ranks will be announced on To be updated
Web options To be updated
Allotment of seats To be updated
Vacancy rank will announce online on To be updated
Exercise choices for vacant seats To be updated
Final seat distribution process conduct on To be updated
Beginning of class work To be updated

JNAFAU 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants need to fulfill prescribed eligibility criteria for JNAFAU B.Arch Admission through NATA Score. The eligibility conditions are as follows:

  • Applicant must be a citizen of India.
  • The applicant must fulfill ‘local’ and ’non-local’ status requirements as laid down in the A.P. Educational Institutions
  • The applicant must have successfully qualified at National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) and should also have achieved State Architecture Rank
  • The applicant must have cleared the qualifying examination either in –
  • 10+2 or equivalent examination with minimum 50% marks (45% for candidates belonging to reserved categories) in aggregate with Mathematics as subject


  • 10+3 Diploma (in any stream) with minimum of 50% aggregate marks (45% for candidates belonging to reserved categories) in aggregate with Mathematics as subject from an institute/board recognized by the State Govt. of Telangana.

JNAFAU 2023 Application form: How to apply

Candidates who successfully qualified NATA should register their name at the designated Helpline centres by showing the relevant certificates along with Registration cum Processing fee of Rs.1200/- (Rs 600/ for candidates belonging to SC/ST category) in the form of Cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Convener, Architecture Admissions” of any nationalized bank payable at Hyderabad. Application form to be downloaded from the official website of university i.e. www.jnafau.ac.in


Candidates, who appeared in the entrance exam, can check their result online by visiting the official website of university.  JNAFAU B.Arch result will be announced most probably in the month of August 2019. Admission of candidates will be done as per the rules in trend during counseling.

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7 thoughts on “JNAFAU Hyderabad B.Arch Admission 2023: Eligibility Criteria, Important Dates”

  1. I got 125 marks in NATA and complete my diploma courses. Sir /Madam, what is the procedure for courses?

  2. Sir, I got 91 marks in nata and 96 percentage in intermediate. Am I eligible, if so which college in hyd

  3. Hello sir i would like to know about the dates for nata counselling 2017 my nata score is 82 and inter 85%.


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