JEST 2022 result has been declared now. Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST 2022) will be conducted to screen the candidates for admission in Ph.D/Integrated Ph.D program in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science or Neuroscience or Computational Biology offered by the participating institutes. To apply for the test, candidates need to register themselves for the exam through the online web portal.
Before proceeding for the application form, candidates should ensure their eligibility status to check if they can appear for the test or not. Admission in the participating institutes will be provided on the basis of score obtained by the candidates in JEST 2022 exam. For more information on the test, candidates need to follow the article.
JEST 2022 result has been declared now.
The answer key of JEST 2022 has been released now.
JEST 2022 admit card is now available.
The last date to apply for JEST 2022 has been extended till
25th January 20221st February 2022.JEST 2022 application form has been released on 15th December 2021.
Table of Contents
JEST 2022 Important Dates
The official dates for JEST 2022 exam are given below-
Events | Dates |
Beginning of online registration | 15th December 2021 |
Last date to submit the application form | |
Admit card releasing | Released |
JEST exam date | |
Result announcement | 14th April 2022 |
Exam Pattern for JEST 2022
Candidates can go through the exam pattern for JEST exam provided below-
- Exam Mode: Offline (Pen and Paper based)
- Types of Questions: Objective types i.e. MCQ based (except for Part-B)
- Exam Language: English only
- Duration of the exam: Three (03) Hours
Parts | Total Number of Questions | Marking Scheme |
A | 15 | 3 mark will be awarded for each right answer
1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer |
B | 10 | 3 mark will be given for each right answer
No provision of negative marking |
C | 25 | 1 mark will be awarded for each right answer
1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer |
JEST 2022 Syllabus
Here is the syllabus specified by the authorities for JEST exam-
Classical Mechanics: Central Force Problem, Newton’s Laws, Conservation Of Energy And Momentum, Collisions, Generalized Coordinates, Kepler Problem, Small Oscillations And Normal Modes, Principle Of Least Action, Lagrangian And Hamiltonian Formulations Of Mechanics, Symmetry And Conservation Laws, etc.
Mathematical Methods: Curvilinear Coordinate Systems, Linear Algebra, Vector Algebra And Vector Calculus, Tensors, Linear Differential Equations, Elements Of Sturm–Liouville Theory, Special Functions, Complex Analysis, Fourier Series And Fourier Transforms, etc.
Quantum Mechanics: Hydrogen Atom, Orbital And Spin Angular Momenta, Addition Of Angular Momenta, Matrix Formulation Of Quantum Theory, Uncertainty Principle, Schrodinger Equation, Central Potentials, Unitary Transformations, Hermitian Operators,etc.
Electromagnetism & Optics: Multi-pole Expansion, Maxwell’s Equations, Energy And Momentum Of Electromagnetic Fields, Fields In Conducting, Dielectric, Diamagnetic And Paramagnetic Media, Faraday’s Law And Time-Varying Fields, Electrostatics And Magnetostatics, Boundary Value Problems, Displacement Current, Propagation Of Plane Electromagnetic Waves, etc.
Electronics: Basics of Semiconductor, Rectifiers, Amplifiers, P-N Junctions, Diodes, Transistors, LCR Circuits, Active Filters and Oscillators, Basics of Opamps and Their Applications, Basics of Digital Electronics.
Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics: Thermodynamic Potentials, Elements of Kinetic Theory, Maxwell’s Relations, Statistical Ensembles, Laws of Thermodynamics, Work and Heat, Partition Function, Classical Ideal Gas, Harmonic Oscillators, etc.
JEST 2022 Application Form
To apply for JEST exam, candidates need to visit the official website of the same. Candidates will be able to apply for the exam only via online mode. They should submit their applications before the due date to avoid inconvenience. To apply for the test, candidates must make an account using their email ID. Candidates then need to login into their account and fill the application form.
The details in the application form should be filled with proper care and as per the correct knowledge and official records. Applicants also need to upload their scanned photograph and signature in the form in JPG format. After filling the particulars in the online application form, candidates can proceed towards the payment section to pay the necessary application fee. It is mandatory for the applicants to pay the application fee or else their applications will be rejected by the authority.
Application Fee
Candidates need to pay Rs. 300/- as the application fee for the test. Female candidates and the candidates belonging to SC/ST category must pay Rs. 150/-. The application fee can be paid using the online mode i.e. through credit card/net banking/debit card.
Eligibility Criteria for JEST 2022
The eligibility criteria for the exam is as follows-
For Ph.D programme
Physics | Candidates should have done M.Sc in Physics from a recognized University. However, some institutes also consider B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech degrees in the disciplines of Applied Physics and Mathematics. |
Theoretical computer science at IMSc | Candidates should have done M.Sc/ M.E / M.Tech in computer science and related disciplines, and should be interested in the mathematical aspects of computer science. |
Neuroscience at NBRC | Applicants must have completed M.Sc in Physics or Mathematics, B.E/ B.Tech/ M.C.A in Computer Science from a recognized University. |
Computational Biology at IMSc | Applicants must have completed M.Sc. / M.E. / M.Tech. / MCA in any engineering or science discipline, with good mathematical skills and strong interest in biological problems. |
For Integrated M.Sc/M.Tech –Ph.D programme: Candidates must have done B.Sc/B.E/B.Tech in relevant discipline from a recognized University.
For M.Sc programme at HRI: Candidates should have done B.Sc or B.E/B.Tech in any discipline from a recognized University.
For Integrated Ph.D Programme in Theoretical Computer Science at IMSc: Candidate should have done B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech./M.C.A. in Computer Science or related disciplines and should be interested in the mathematical aspects of computer science.
For Integrated M.Tech – Ph.D. Programme at IIA: Candidates must have completed M.Sc. in Physics or Applied Physics or have done Post-B.Sc. (Hons) in Optics and Optoelectronics / Radio Physics and Electronics from a recognized University.
JEST 2022 Admit Card
Candidates can download their JEST admit card from 1st March 2022. The admit card will be available on the official website of the JEST. Candidates need to download the same and keep a printout copy of the hall ticket for future use. Entry to the exam hall will be denied to the candidates who do not possess a valid admit card on the day of the examination. No admit card shall be sent through post/email. Applicants should keep the admit card safe till the admission process is over.
Check– Physics answer key
JEST 2022 Exam Result
The result of the JEST 2022 examination has been published on the official website of the same i.e. Candidates can also download their scorecard by login into their account. The scorecard of JEST exam will be valid for one year. Candidates are advised to keep tabs on this article for updated information on JEST.
Sir i have wrongly entered my DOB in form and I already click on “SUBMIT APPLICATION FORM” option but i didn’t pay the pees. although there is an option to change my dob and i change it, did it entered in their data??