JEECUP Eligibility Criteria: Age, Educational Qualification

The candidates who wish to appear for the JEECUP entrance exam must satisfy certain basic eligibility requirements. The candidature of the candidates who do not fulfill the provided JEECUP Eligibility Criteria 2023 will be cancelled at any stage of admission, whenever discovered. The candidates are therefore suggested to match their eligibility with the prescribed criteria before they fill and submit their application form. The candidates if submit their application without meeting the JEECUP Eligibility Criteria will forfeit their registration or any other fee already submitted.

JEECUP Eligibility Criteria

The group-wise JEECUP Eligibility Criteria that need to be fulfilled by the candidates who wish to appear for the entrance exam are given in detail below:

  • Group A (Engineering & Technology Diploma): The candidate should have passed class 10th exam with at least 35% aggregate marks.
  • Group B (Agriculture Engineering): The candidate should have passed class 10th exam with Agriculture and minimum 35% marks in aggregate or should have passed 12th with Agriculture subject.
  • Group C (Fashion Design, Home Science and Textile Design and Engineering): Those candidates who have passed class 10th exam with at least 35% aggregate marks are eligible.
  • Group D (Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice): The applicant needs to clear their class 12th exam with Hindi and English as subjects in 10th or 12th
  • Group D (Library & Information Science): It is mandatory for the candidates to pass their class 12th
  • Group E1 (Diploma in Pharmacy): Those who have passed their 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Zoology and Botany) are eligible.
  • Group E2 (Diploma in Pharmacy): The applicants should have passed the 10+2 exam with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  • Group F (Post Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Tissue culture)): A pass in B.Sc. with Biology and Chemistry/ Biochemistry is required.
  • Group G (Post Graduate Diploma course): Graduation in any discipline is required.
  • Group H (Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology): The candidate should have passed class 10th exam with at least 35% aggregate marks.
  • Group I (Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering): The applicants who have cleared their class 12th with Science stream and a minimum aggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects are considered to be eligible.
  • Group K (Lateral entry in 2nd Year of Engineering & Technology Diploma courses): The candidate should have done either of the following:
  • Intermediate Science OR
  • Intermediate Science with Vocational/ Technical subjects OR
  • ITI of minimum 2 years duration

Note: The appearing candidates are eligible too.

Group-wise eligibility and subject wise Question percentage (Group – A to I):

Group Courses Minimum Eligibility Subject wise question percentage for Examination
A Engineering & Technology Diploma 10th passed/ appeared with minimum 35% marks Maths-50%

Physics & Chemistry -50%

B Agriculture Engineering 10th passed/ appeared with  Agriculture. & Minimum 35% marks or Agriculture Subject in 12th. Maths-50%,

Physics, Chemistry & Agriculture -50%

C Fashion     Design,     Home science and Textile design

and engineering

10th passed/ appeared with minimum 35% marks English   &   Hindi   comprehension-20% Reasoning & Intelligency-50%

General Awareness-30%

D 1.         Modern         Office Management & Secretarial Practice 12th passed/ appeared (Hindi and English subjects in 10th or 12th) English & Hindi comprehension-30% Reasoning & Intelligency-35% Numerical Ability-10%

General Awareness-25%



& Information 12th passed/ appeared

(Bio) E2


Diploma in Pharmacy Passed in 10+2 with Physic and Chemistry as compulsory subject with Math / Biology (Zoology and Botany) Physics & Chemistry -50% Biology or Maths-50%
F Post Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology(Tissue culture) B.Sc. passed/ appeared with Biology, Chemistry/Biochemistry Chemistry – 50% Zoology-25%

Botany – 25%

G Post course



Graduate in any discipline (passed/ appeared) English comprehension-20% Numerical Ability-15% Reasoning-30%

General Intelligency-20%

General Awareness-15%

H Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology 12th passed/ appeared with 35% marks Reasoning & Logical Discussion-25%, Numerical Ability & Scientific attitude- 25%,


General Knowledge-25%

I Diploma       in        Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 12th Science passed/ appeared and aggregate 50% marks in Physics,

Chemistry and Mathematics subjects.

Physics & Chemistry-50% Maths-50%

to K8

Lateral entry in 2nd Year of Engineering & Technology

Diploma courses

Refer table 2.9.3

Group-wise eligibility and subject wise Question percentage (Group – K1 to K8):

Group Courses Minimum Eligibility Subject wise question percentage for Examination
1.   Intermediate Science OR

2.   Intermediate Science with Vocational/ Technical subjects OR

3.I T I Trade (Minimum 2 years duration) given below

K1 1. Civil Engineering 2.Civil Engineering (Environment & Pollution Control) Painter(General)(Only class 10th passed candidate is


Physics, Chemistry & Math


Civil Engineering -60%

COE (Construction and Wood Working)
COE (Draftsman Civil)
K2 1. Electrical Engineering

2.   Electrical Engineering (Industrial Control) 1.Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrician(Power Distribution) Physics, Chemistry & Math


Electrical Engineering -60%

WireMan (Only class 10th passed candidate is eligible)
COE(Electric Sector)
K3 1. Electronics Engineering

2.   Electronics Engg. (Modern Consumer Electronics Appliances)

3.   Electronics Engg. (Micro Electronics)

4.   Electronics Engineering(Advance Microprocessor & Interface)

Mechanic Medical Electronics Physics, Chemistry & Math


Electronics Engineering – 60%

Radiology Technician
Electronic Mechanic
Mechanic Cum Operator Electronics Communication


Technician Power Electronics System
Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances OR

Mechanic Consumer Electronics

COE(Electronics Sector)
Instrument Mechanic
Radio/ TV Mechanic
K4 1.  Mechanical Engineering (Automobile)

2.  Mechanical Engineering (Production)

3.  Mechanical Engineering (Maintenance)

4.  Mechanical Engineering (Refrigeration & Air- conditioning)

5.  Mechanical Engineering (Computer Aided Design)

Mechanic(Motor Vehicle) Physics, Chemistry & Math


Mechanical Engineering – 60%

Mechanic(Agriculture Machinery)
Mechanic(Refrigeration and Air Conditioning)
Lift & Escalator Mechanic
COE(Production and Manufacturing Sector)
COE(Automobile Sector)
COE(Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector)
COE(Fabrication-Fitting and Welding Sector)
Tool and Die Maker(Die and Moulds)
Mechanic(Machine Tool Maintenance)
Tool and Die Maker(Press Tools, Zigs and Fixtures)
K5 1.  Information technology

2.  Computer Science and Engineering

Information Technology Physics, Chemistry & Math


Information technology – 60%

Information Communication Technology and

Electronics System Maintenance OR Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenance

COE(I T Sector)
K6 Printing Technology ———————————– Physics, Chemistry & Math

Printing Technology -60%

K7 Fashion Design & Garment Technology ———————————– Physics, Chemistry & Math


Fashion Design & Garment Technology -60%

K8 Textile Technology Weaving Technician Physics, Chemistry & Math


Textile Technology -60%

Textile Wet Processing Technician

Note: Candidates of Group K1 to K8 (Lateral Entry in 2nd Year) must pass following first-year subjects within the scheduled period.

Sl.No. Name of Course 1st-year subject
1- Mechanical Engineering, 1. Foundational Communication
Civil Engineering, 2. Applied Math-IA
Electrical Engineering, 3. Applied Math-IB
Electronics Engineering, 4. Applied Physics-I
Textile Technology 5. Applied Chemistry
6. Applied Physics-II
2- Information Technology, 1. Professional Communication
Computer Science and Engineering 2. Applied Math-IA
3. Applied Math-IB
4. Applied Physics-I
5. Applied Chemistry
6. Applied Physics-II
3- Printing Technology 1. Professional Communication
2. Applied Math-I
3. Applied Physics
4. Applied Chemistry
4- Fashion Designing & Garment Technology 1. Professional Communication
2. Fashion Design concept
3. Computer Principles and Applications

The ITI trade for group K1 to K8 is given below:

Group Courses Trade
K1 Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering (Environment & Pollution Control)

Painter (General) (Only class 10th passed candidate is eligible)
COE (Construction and Wood Working)
COE (Draftsman Civil)
K2 Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering (Industrial Control)

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrician (Power Distribution)
Wireman (Only class 10th passed candidate is eligible)
COE (Electric Sector)
K3 Electronics Engineering

Electronics Engineering (Modern Consumer Electronics Appliances)

Electronics Engineering (Micro Electronics)

Electronics Engineering (Advance Microprocessor & Interface)

Mechanic Medical Electronics
Radiology Technician
Electronic Mechanic
Mechanic Cum Operator Electronics Communication Systems
Technician Power Electronics System
Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances OR Mechanic Consumer Electronics
COE (Electronics Sector)
Instrument Mechanic
Radio/ TV Mechanic
K4 Mechanical Engineering (Automobile)

Mechanical Engineering (Production) Mechanical Engineering (Maintenance)

Mechanical Engineering (Refrigeration & Air conditioning)

Mechanical Engineering (Computer Aided Design)

Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)
Mechanic (Agriculture Machinery)
Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning)
Lift & Escalator Mechanic
COE (Production and Manufacturing Sector)
COE (Automobile Sector)
COE (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector)
COE (Fabrication-Fitting and Welding Sector)
Tool and Die Maker(Die and Moulds)
Mechanic (Machine Tool Maintenance)
Draftsman (Mechanical)
Machinist (Grinder)
Tool and Die Maker (Press Tools, Zigs and Fixtures)
K5 Information technology

Computer Science and Engineering

Information Technology
Information Communication Technology and Electronics System Maintenance OR Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenance
COE (IT Sector)
K6 Printing Technology ———
K7 Fashion Design & Garment Technology ———
K8 Textile Technology Weaving Technician
Textile Wet Processing Technician

Candidates of Group K1 to K8 must pass following first-year subjects within the scheduled period:

  • Mechanical Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/ Textile Technology: Foundational Communication, Applied Math-I A, Applied Math-I B, Applied Physics-I, Applied Chemistry and Applied Physics-II
  • Information Technology/ Computer Science and Engineering: Professional Communication, Applied Math-I A, Applied Math-I B, Applied Physics-I, Applied Chemistry and Applied Physics-II
  • Printing Technology: Professional Communication, Applied Math-I, Applied Physics and Applied Chemistry
  • Fashion Designing & Garment Technology: Professional Communication, Fashion Design concept, Computer Principles and Applications
JEECUP Application Form  JEECUP Eligibility Criteria
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