IIT Bhubaneswar Admission 2021-22

Get from here the complete contact details of IIT Bhubaneswar: we were listed here the details like IIT Bhubaneswar institute overview, IIT Bhubaneswar Admission procedure, IIT Bhubaneswar Admission eligibility, etc. Check out our other posts published in this webpage about the IIT Exam Syllabus, IIT Cut off details, IIT admission procedure, etc. Also, if you’ve any doubts about this topic, please don’t hesitate to ask us through the comment selection or on the forum that enabled with this page. We will mentor you how to move on.

The Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar is an autonomous educational institution established by the Ministry Of Human Resource Development, Government of India.  The institute was started at 23rd July 2008 at the permanent campus of IIT Kharagpur; later on 23rd July 2008 it was shifted to its home campus at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. IIT Bhubaneswar offering B. Tech, M. Tech and Ph.D. programs in various disciplines.  The Admissions are based on the candidate’s skills and aptitude to the applied subject, which were determined from the entrance exams like GATE, JEE, JAM, CAT or the exams organized by the central committee. Here, this article is vividly explaining about the various courses and its admission procedure offered by the IIT Bhubaneswar.

B.Tech Admission Procedure of IIT Bhubaneswar


The Institute’s B.Tech Programs are in the areas of Computer Science, Civil, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Each department of the IIT Bhubaneswar intake 40 in every academic year and the admissions are based on the JEE main Entrance exam score. Take a look to the source website of JEE main http://jeemain.nic.in/webinfo/welcome.aspx, to know more about the admission procedure and the participating institutes of JEE Main.


The admissions of the candidates are purely on merit basis, which were determined on the basis of JEE Main exam result. For more info about the B.Tech Admission at IIT Bhubaneswar, visit http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/btech.php

M.Tech Admission Procedure of IIT Bhubaneswar


The institute offers B.Tech programs in 5 Departments. The eligibility to join a two-year M.Tech Program is based on the GATE score. Check out this website to get to know more about the GATE exam details like GATE question paper, GATE syllabus, GATE exam Centers, etc. http://www.gate.iisc.ernet.in/


Based on the National level pass percentage of GATE score, the apex body of IIT Bhubaneswar prepares cut-off list, which has mentioned the opening and Closing Rank.  The candidate scored rank in between the opening and closing is eligible to attend an M.Tech Program at IIT Bhubaneswar. For More Info, Visit at http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/mtech.php

Ph.D Admission Procedure of IIT Bhubaneswar


A candidate having B.Tech/M.Tech/ Master Degree in the relevant discipline with a Minimum of at least 55% marks or 5.5 CPI marks in appropriate branch is eligible for applying a program at IIT Bhubaneswar.

Admission Procedure

Based on the candidate’s eligibility, the institute calls the right candidate for appearing a written test. The final selection will be based on the factors like Written Test scores, academic Credential and on the performance they shown in the aptitude round. For More Information, Visit http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/phd.php

IIT Bhubaneswar official website:  http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/

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