IGNOU PG and Advance Diploma in PGDGPS, PGDDM, PGDLAN

IGNOU PG and Advance Diploma (School of Social Sciences): Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is India’s prominent distance learning Open University which provides numerous distance learning programmes all over the nation. Overseas citizens can also apply to the Open University to pursue the desired programme. IGNOU has more than thousands of programmes to offer to the eligible candidates. The‘School of Social Sciences’ offers Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS), Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM) and Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) under the IGNOU PG and Advance Diploma programmes.

In the post, candidates can get all the needed details of the IGNOU’s ‘PG and Advance Diploma programmes offered by the ‘School of Social Sciences’. Candidates can also get the connected details about the SOSS PG and Advance Diploma’s Eligibility Criteria, Application process, Admission process along with the fee details. 

How to apply for Admission?

Candidates need to apply for admission into the IGNOU’s ‘School of Social Sciences’ to pursue the PG and Advance Diploma programmes through the online and offline mode. Candidates can fill and submit the application form through the online mode by through the official website of IGNOU. Candidates can fill and submit the offline application form as well at the IGNOU’s regional learning Centre along with the fee submission through the demand draft.

Details of the Courses

Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS)

  • The course is offered to influence the knowledge principally youth on the opinions and philosophies of Gandhi on socioeconomic, sociopolitical, sustainable and environmental concerns.
  • The course also focuses on the development skills for peace making and peace building.
  • How peace methods can be developed from the interdisciplinary perspectives, are also the part of the course curriculum.
  • The course is intended to train the students as for how they can be efficient in pace making and resolve the conflicts in real life situations.

Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)

  • PGDDM provides broad knowledge to the students on disaster attentiveness, justification and rehabilitation.
  • The course also enables the learners to carry out risk analysis and vulnerability exploration.
  • It is also intended by offering this programme to find out the scope to engender community awareness and reinforce institutional mechanism for community mobilization and involvement in disaster management.
  • Candidates can also learn the skills to be communicative socially for disaster preparedness.

Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)

  • The Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) focuses at mounting the professional proficiencies of the library and information professionals in programmes and interacted atmosphere.
  • Candidates are also provided with the opportunities through the programme for exhaustive practical training to augment technological skills so that the learners can independently develop or manage a computerized library and information centre. 

Eligibility Criteria PG and Advance Diploma programme

Candidates need to have the following eligibility criteria to be eligible to apply for admission in the IGNOU’s PG and Advance Diploma programmes offered by the ‘School of Social Sciences’. The eligibility norms have been given in the following table:

S.No. Name of the PG and Advance Diploma Programmes Required qualification
1.         Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS) Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in any discipline from a recognized University
2.         Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM) Graduate in any Discipline from a recognized university or institute
3.         Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) Bachelor’s Degree in Library and Information Science

Programmes’ Fee Details

  • The course fee of the PG Advanced Diploma programmes in Gandhi and Peace Studies, Disaster Management must be paid by the candidates at the time of admission.
  • Candidates are required to pay the course fee through the Demand Draft.
  • The demand draft should be in the favour of IGNOU payable at the city where the Regional Centre is located.

The fee details of all the SOSS PG Advanced Diploma programmes have been given in the following points:

S.No. Name of the course Fee amount Min and max duration of course Min and Max age limit
1.         Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS) Rs. 3,500 1-3 years No bar
2.         Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM) Rs. 5,000 1-4 years No bar
3.         Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) Rs. 15,000 1-4 years No bar

IGNOU School of Social Sciences (SOSS)

IGNOU admission

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