Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS)

IGNOU PG and Advance Certificate (School of Social Sciences): Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is India’s prominent distance learning Open University which provides a number of distance learning programmes to the Indian and overseas aspirants. IGNOU offers than thousands of programmes to the eligible candidates. The ‘School of Social Sciences’ offers ‘Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies’ (PGCGPS) which candidates can pursue through the distance learning mode.The duration of the programme is 6 months which may further be extended to 2 years. In the post, candidates can find all the details about the IGNOU PG and Advance Certificate courses offered by ‘School of Social Sciences’ (SOS) in Gandhi and Peace Studies. Aspirants can read about the information about the course, admission process, admission fee and the eligibility criteria here. 

Details of the ‘Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies’ (PGCGPS)

  • The ‘PGCGPS’ programme is intended to develop an understanding of Gandhian concept of peace studies and social regeneration among the youth through this programme.
  • The course is also meant to be offered to understand Gandhi’s idea of peace and non-violent activism.
  • Candidates can understand Gandhi’s concept of World Order for Global Peace and Security after pursuing the programme.

The programme is also aimed to develop protective approaches of peace and conflict Resolution from the Interdisciplinary outlook.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates are required to have the following educational qualification to be eligible to take admission in the Indira Gandhi National Open University to pursue the ‘Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies’ (PGCGPS):

S.No. Name of the Programmes Required Educational qualification Min-Max Age
1.         Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS) Bachelors degree or a higher degree in any discipline from a recognised University No bar

Fee Details

  • Candidates must pay the admission fee at the time of the admission into the‘PGCGPS’.
  • The admission fee can be paid via Demand Draft (DD).
  • The demand draft (DD) which is drawn need to be in the favour of IGNOU and need to be payable at the respective Regional Centre of IGNOU.

The fee details of all the IGNOU PG and Advanced Certificate courses have been given in the following table: 

S.No. Name of the course Fee amount Min and max duration of course
1.         Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS) Rs. 2,000 6 months-2 years

How to apply for Admission?

  • Candidates can apply for admission through the online and offline mode.
  • Candidates are required to fill in the details as asked in the online application form.
  • The online application form will be provided on the official website of the University (IGNOU).
  • Candidates can fill and submit theapplication form through the offline mode as well.
  • The offline application form must be duly filled and need to be submitted at the IGNOU’s regional learning centre.

IGNOU School of Social Sciences (SOSS)

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