Founded- 27th May, 1975
Location– Alto Beltim
Official Website– http://gbshse.gov.in/
About Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
The board is a corporate statutory body that is constituted by an Act “The Goa, Daman and DIU Higher Secondary Education Board Act 1975 of the state legislature. The board endeavors to provide primary and secondary education and grant recognition to number of schools in the territory for this purpose. It pays special attention to augment the secondary and higher secondary education so that it best meets the standards of economic standards and social development and aim to uplift the backward communities. The board also governs the matters related to education policies.
Role of Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
The board performs several functions amid which executing exams is utmost important. The Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Examinations for standard X is conducted in the month of March, June and October and for class XII it is conducted in the month of March June and October. The details of form filling can be availed from the online site. The results for the exams conducted are declared on the official website.
Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Contact Details
Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary EducationAlto Betim, Goa 403521
Tel.No: + 91 – 832 – 2417593
Secretary: Shri. Shivakumar D. Jangam
Email : [email protected]