Gauhati University PG Admission

Gauhati University PG Admission: The Gauhati University, Assam is going to invite applications from interested and eligible candidates for admission to M.Sc / MA /M.Tech/ M.Com/M.S/ M.LISc courses for the academic year 2022-23. Candidates seeking admission to said courses under Gauhati University must submit their application form before the scheduled date. Get all the latest updates regarding Gauhati University PG Admission here.

Gauhati University PG Admission Important Dates (Released)

Check below are the important dates about Gauhati University PG admission in 2022.

Events Dates
Online applications, as well as brochure, will available from June 2022
Last date for submission of application form June 2022
Admit card to be released by July 2022
Date of entrance exam for all Applicants July 2022
Selection list will be published July 2022
Date of admission August 2022
Classes will be started from August 2022

Details of PG Courses offered at Gauhati University

M.A. in (Assamese, Arabic, Anthropology, Bodo, Bengali, Economics, English, Education, Geography, History, Hindi, Mass Communication (in Communication & Journalism Department), Linguistics & English Language Teaching, Persian, Mathematics, Philosophy, Psychology, Political Science, Statistics, Sociology, Sanskrit and Women’s Studies).

M.Sc in (Animal Ecology & Wildlife Biology, Anthropology, Botany, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Computer Science & Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Technology, Economics, Environmental Science, Geology, Geography, Instrumentation, Microelectronics and Advance Communication, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Psychology, and Zoology.

M.L.I.Sc (Master of Library & Information Science)

M.Com (Master of Commerce)

M.Tech in Material Science & Technology, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Signal Processing & VLSI Design, Signal Processing & Communication

M.S in Mathematical Science, Chemical Science, Physical Science

Eligibility Criteria

First of all, candidates must ensure that they are satisfying the prescribed eligibility criteria for PG Admission. After checking the eligibility conditions candidates can further proceed with the application filling up procedure. The detailed information regarding PG Admission Eligibility criteria is available in the university brochure as well as the official website of Gauhati University.

Gauhati University PG Application Form: How to apply?

Interested and eligible candidates can obtain the application form from Gauhati University website namely Moreover, applications are obtainable in person from Gauhati University Publication Department (GUPD) and G.U. Information Center, WUS Building, Ambari, Guwahati against the payment of Rs 400/ only.

It will be possible to make payment of application fee at Gauhati University Cash counter or through a bank draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Gauhati University and payable at the State Bank of India, GU Branch or payable at UBI, GU branch.

Applicants who are seeking admission to any reservation quota such as Abled (Disabled), wards of permanent Guwahati university’s Employees and Ex. Employees etc should send the respective additional prescribed form.

Entrance examination

The candidates of other Universities including of both the general as well as reserve categories will have to appear in an Entrance Test. The university conducts an entrance exam of 100 marks for offering admission to PG courses.

The duration of exam is 2 hours for all the courses in the respective subject. Syllabus for the written entrance exam will be the same as that of Major programme in the subject in Gauhati University.

In order to appear in the test, candidates have to pay Rs.200/-only as fee for the Entrance Test for each subject.

Gauhati University Admission

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40 thoughts on “Gauhati University PG Admission”

  1. Sir ,,
    Please I want to syllabus for chemistry pg entrance 2022 under GU .please send PDF on this email 📧 🙏🙏🙏🙏.

  2. Sir please give me syllabus of political science Pg course, I m waiting for your syllabus and preparation entrance exam 2018.

  3. Sir,please give me syllabus of Education PG course,I m waiting for your Syllabus and preparation entrance exam…Sir,pls ….as soon as reply me comment…

  4. Sir,pls give me syllabus of Education PG course,I m waiting for your Syllabus…..preparation for entrance…..

  5. I’m aspired of pursuing the Master degree in English from this University.Could you please help me to find out the syllabus for the entrance examination for PG in English!

  6. sir! Will you plz give me the previous year question paper of zoology and botany for MSC entrance exam 2018

  7. Does students under Guahati university who pursued bachelors degree have to appear for the entrance?

  8. Sir, I am chiranjit Ray, NBU under Alipurduar college B.A Pass (geography Hon’s)2017. So, l give can-do entrance exam for your University this year.


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