Entrance Exam
Here we provide complete information and alerts on Entrance Exams 2021 in India. Students can check all the latest entrance exam updates and other associated details. 99entranceexam.in is one of the leading and reputed Portals on Entrance Examinations, Admission alerts and career information which assists students to make decisions about their career. Over here a detailed list of entrance exams for medical, engineering, law, MBA and many other educational fields is listed here. Depending upon your area of interest, you can check out the details of numerous competitive exams in India. It is the perfect destination which caters to all your Higher Education requirements.
The entrance exams 2021 section includes details on various competitive exams such as KEE 2021, CIPET JEE 2021, UCEED 2021, AICE, VEE 2021, MICAT, BEEE 2021, PMUET 2021, JEE Main and JEE Advanced, JNTU PACET, NEST 2021, TNEA 2021, IRMA, AP PGECET 2021, IIT JAM 2021, KEAM 2021, SNAP 2021, RPCET 2021, PU CET UG 2021, KCET 2021, IUET, MAH MCA CET, UPSEE 2021, ASSAM CEE, XAT, MBA CET, ATMA, COMEDK 2021, BITSAT 2021, HARYANA DET and many other reputed exams in India.
CG Pre D.Ed. 2021 (छत्तीसगढ़ प्री. डी.एड. 2021): आवेदन पत्र, पात्रता शर्तें, परीक्षा-पद्धति, एवं प्रमुख तिथियाँ
CG Pre D.Ed. 2021 (छत्तीसगढ़ प्री. डी.एड. 2021):“छत्तीसगढ़ व्यावसायिक परीक्षा मंडल” जिसे‘व्यापम’ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, हर … Read more
XIC OET 2021: Online Registration, Exam Date, Application Form
Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbai is the respective authority conducts XIC OET (Online Entrance Test) 2021 for aspirants looking to … Read more
BUMAT 2021: Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Important dates
BUMAT 2021: Every year, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University (BVDU/BVU) conducts BUMAT (Bharati Vidyapeeth Undergraduate Management Aptitude Test) for admission to … Read more