Getting familiar with the JEECUP exam pattern will allow the candidate to get ready for the exam in a better manner. The exam pattern will answer many questions arising in the minds of the aspiring candidates such as what will be the mode of exam, what will be the duration of exam, how many questions will be there and many more. The exam will be conducted as a pen and paper-based test and its duration will be 3 hours. The subjects from which the questions will be asked depend on the group selected by the candidates.
Table of Contents
JEECUP Exam Pattern 2023
The detailed pattern for the JEECUP exam 2023 is given below:
- Mode of examination: The exam will be conducted in offline mode, i.e. on an OMR sheet.
- Exam duration: The total duration of the exam will be 3 hours.
- Question paper language: The question paper will be made available in two languages, English and Hindi.
- Total number of questions: A total of 100 questions will be asked in the exam.
- Total marks: The paper will carry a total of 400 marks.
- Type of questions: All the questions asked will be of objective type.
- Scheme of marking: 4 marks will be given for every correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
Group-wise JEECUP Exam Pattern 2023
Group A (Engineering & Technology Diploma):
- Mathematics- 50 marks
- Physics & Chemistry- 50 marks
Group B (Agriculture Engineering):
- Mathematics- 50 marks
- Physics, Chemistry & Agriculture- 50 marks
Group C (Fashion Design, Home Science and Textile Design and Engineering):
- English & Hindi comprehension- 20 marks
- Reasoning & Intelligency- 50 marks
- General Awareness- 30 marks
Group D (Modern Office Management & Secretarial Practice/ Library & Information Science):
- English & Hindi comprehension- 30 marks
- Reasoning & Intelligency- 35 marks
- Numerical Ability- 10 marks
- General Awareness- 25 marks
Group E1 (Diploma in Pharmacy):
- Physics & Chemistry- 50 marks
- Biology- 50 marks
Group E2 (Diploma in Pharmacy):
- Physics & Chemistry- 50 marks
- Mathematics- 50 marks
Group F (Post Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Tissue culture)):
- Chemistry- 50 marks
- Zoology- 25 marks
- Botany- 25 marks
Group G (Post Graduate Diploma course):
- English comprehension- 20 marks
- Numerical Ability- 15 marks
- Reasoning- 30 marks
- General Intelligency- 20 marks
- General Awareness- 15 marks
Group H (Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology):
- Reasoning & Logical Discussion- 25 marks,
- Numerical Ability & Scientific attitude- 25 marks
- English- 25 marks
- General Knowledge- 25 marks
Group I (Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering):
- Physics & Chemistry- 50 marks
- Mathematics- 50 marks
Group K1:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Civil Engineering- 60 marks
Group K2:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Electrical Engineering- 60 marks
Group K3:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Electronics Engineering- 60 marks
Group K4:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Mechanical Engineering- 60 marks
Group K5:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Information technology- 60 marks
Group K6:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Printing Technology- 60 marks
Group K7:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Fashion Design & Garment Technology- 60 marks
Group K8:
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics- 40 marks
- Textile Technology- 60 marks
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