Indian School of Mines M.Tech Admission 2021

This article includes all latest updates regarding Indian School of Mines MTech admissions 2021 such as educational qualification, age limit, application process, admission procedure and other related details. Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad has recently announced a notification for admissions into M.Tech programmes for the academic year 2021-2022. The university invites applicants for admission to various Master of Technology programme such as Electronics and Communication Engineering. The 3-year degree course is for academicians and working people who are seeking for master degrees but unable to pursue a regular course. If you’re one among those people then this article is going to help you a lot as it contains complete information regarding admissions in Indian School of Mines.

Indian School of Mines M.Tech admissions Eligibility criteria:

Before appearing for Indian School of Mines Mtech admissions 2021 candidates must satisfy below conditions:

  • The Interested applicants must hold a B.E or B.Tech degree before apply. The qualifying degree must be in any of these streams- Electronics and Instrumentation, Instrumentation, Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Telecommunication.
  • The applicants should have at least of 55 percent marks and (50 % for candidates from SC and ST category) in their degree. Or, they must have at least score of 5.5 CGPA out of 10 and 5.0 for candidates from SC and ST categories.

Selection process of Indian School of Mines MTech admissions 2021

The selection of applicants will be made on the basis of their performance in the common written test and, or a personal interview round. The final merit list will be made according to their rank in the written exam, interview and their work experience.

How to apply for Indian School of Mines MTech admissions?

The applicants can apply online by going through the official website of the university which is Candidates are needed to send the hard copy of their application form along with self-attested photocopies of all important documents to the ‘Assistant Registrar (Acad. & Exam), Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad – 826004, Jharkhand’. The cover including the documents should be titled as ‘Application for admission in 3 -years M.Tech course 2021 in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE).

Indian School of Mines Mtech admissions Application fee:

The interested and eligible candidates are needed to pay a fee of Rs 2,000. They fee payment must be made through a Demand Draft drawn in favor of the ‘Registrar, Indian School of Mines’, and payable at Dhanbad.

Indian School of Mines MTech admissions important dates:

  • End date for submission of online application form: July 2021
  • The written exam and interview round will be held on: July 2021
  • The results will be announced on: July 2021
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