IIT Bombay M.Tech Admission 2023

IIT Bombay M.Tech Admission 2023: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay is going to invite applications from eligible candidates for admission into the M.Tech programme for the academic year 2023-24. The admission process will commence probably from July 2023.

Only GATE qualified applicants can apply for IIT Bombay M.Tech Admission 2023. The aspirants should fill the online application as per the specified dates which have not been released yet. However, it is expected that the application process of IIT Bombay M.Tech Admission 2023 will start from March 2023.

Through this article, candidates can check the complete details of IIT Bombay M.Tech admission 2023 eligibility criteria, application process, selection procedure etc.

IIT Bombay M.Tech Admission 2023 Important Dates (tentative)

Serial. No Events Dates
1. Online application process will start from Probably March 2023
2. Last date for the submission of application form April 2023
3. Date of written Test and/or Interview April 2023

Name of the departments in which M.tech admissions are offered

  • Systems & Control Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Earth Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Environmental Science & Engineering
  • Biosciences & Bioengineering
  • Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
  • Center of Studies in Resources Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science (MM)
  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Energy Science & Engineering
  • Cross Departmental Programme- Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling (MMM)
  • Centre For Technology Alternatives For Rural Areas(CTARA) (Technology And Development)

Eligibility Criteria

The detailed eligibility criteria of IIT Bombay M.Tech admission are as follows:

  • Applicants must qualify B.E / B.Tech. / B.Sc. (Engineering)/ M.Sc. / MBBS/ M.C.A. / B.Pharm (4 yr)/ M.Pharm / BDS (4 yr. Degree) with scoring minimum of 60% marks (55% marks in case of candidates from SC/ST category)


  • Associate Membership Examinations recognized as equivalent to Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Technology degree held by various recognized professional bodies (such as Institute of Chemical Engrs., Institution of Engrs. (India), Aeronautical Society of India, Indian Institute of Metals and Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers etc.)
  • In case of applicants who hold degree from any foreign university, they must submit equivalent certificate from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi for qualifying examination.
  • Applicants have to clear the GATE Exam in particular subject with valid score.
  • Note: Candidates, who possess IIT B.Tech degree with minimum CGPA/CPI of 8.00, will be exempted from appearing in GATE exam. However, they have to apply for the admission as per the specified format.

IIT Bombay M.Tech Admission 2023 Application Form: How to apply?

Applicants seeking admission to M.Tech programme are needed to submit online application only from the official website as per the specified schedule. Candidates are advised to first ensure their eligibility before starting the application fill in process. Applicants should keep ready the following documents before applying.

List of documents

  • Applicant’s recent scanned photograph with size less than 30 KB and in jpg/ png/jpeg format
  • Candidate’s signature with size less than 10 KB and in jpg/ png/jpeg format
  • Mark sheet of last semester and qualifying degree mark sheet.
  • In case of final year students, last semester mark sheet will be applicable
  • Caste certificate (if applicable)
  • PD certificate (if applicable)

In case of candidates of M.Tech Chemical Engineering (CH), Electrical Engineering (EE1, EE2, EE3, EE4, EE5), Biomedical Engineering (BM), they need to provide following list of information along with application form.

  • Name of the 4- courses studied which are relevant to the M.Tech programme
  • Title of the final year project
  • Any short term programmes (if attended)

How to apply?

Eligible and interested applicants need to complete the registration process first.

During the registration process they have to provide personal and educational details such as birth category, qualifying percentage & GATE registration number, eligibility criteria etc.

After successful registration, applicants will receive a mail including their login ID and secret key to be password to log in

Candidates can login and access the application form by using the same login credentials.

Thereafter fill all important details in the application form and submit the duly filled form completed in all respects before the given schedule.

Submission of form

For applicants who have deposited application fee through online mode:

Such candidates are not required to submit any hard copy of application form. However, they must take printout of the same for further use.

For applicants who have deposited application fee through demand draft:

In this case applicants are needed to submit the hard copy of the application with demand draft to the below address:

“The Deputy Registrar (Academic),

IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai – 4000 76

Selection Process

Selection of candidates for admission to M.Tech courses will be done on the basis of GATE 2023 Score, and their performance in a written test and personal interview. Candidates with exceptional marks may be eligible for direct admissions.

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