DU LLB Exam Pattern 2021 Mode & Duration of Exam, Marking Scheme

LAW aspirants wishing to appear for the entrance exam conducted by Delhi University must go through the DU LLB exam pattern 2021 to know the systematic overview of the exam. The exam pattern will let the candidates know about the marking scheme, duration, mode in which the exam will be conducted, among many other things. With the help of exam pattern, aspirants can prepare an effective strategy to clear the exam with good marks. Since the score obtained in the exam will determine the selection of the candidates, therefore, it is important for them to furnish all the aspects of the exam primarily the DU LLB exam pattern to understand the structure of the exam.

As per the DU LLB exam pattern 2021, candidates will get a total of 2 hours to finish the computer-based test. Marks will be deducted if they choose the incorrect answer. The questions in the exam will be asked in multiple-choice format.

DU LLB Exam Pattern 2021

The exam pattern of DU LLB entrance test is provided below-

  • Mode of the exam: The exam will be held in computer-based mode.
  • Duration of the exam: The test shall be of 2 hours.
  • Type of questions: There will be objective type questions asked in the test.
  • Medium of instructions: Questions will be framed in English language only.
  • Total number of questions: A total of 100 questions will be asked in the exam.
  • Marking scheme: 4 marks will be given for selecting the correct answer.
  • Negative marking: There will be a provision for negative marking i.e. one mark will be deducted in case the candidates mark the incorrect answer. No marks shall be awarded or deducted for the question not attempted by the candidates.
Subject/Section Total Number of Questions Total Marks
English Language Comprehension  






Analytical Ability
Legal Awareness and Aptitude
General Knowledge

What is a computer-based exam?

Computer-based exam (CBT) is another name of online exam where the candidates are provided with a computer system. On the instructions of the invigilator, the candidates are asked to login into their system using the id and password mentioned on their admit card. As soon as the candidates login into the computer system, they are presented with a timer indicating the time left for the exam to start. After the timer ends, an instruction window appears stating the important instruction about the exam that the candidates must go through. At the end of the page, there is usually a declaration that the candidates need to accept before they begin the test.

The test then begins and candidates are presented with the questions in MCQ format. Each question has 4 choices given, out of which only one is the correct option. Candidates need to select the option which they think is the correct answer to that particular question. They can switch between the sections as per their convenience. The test ends only when the timer stops. When the exam timing is over, the window automatically closes and candidates are asked to provide the feedback after which they can leave the exam hall.

A quick insight into the DU LLB Syllabus

Given below are some of the key topics a candidate must prepare to crack the entrance test-

  • English language comprehension: English grammar, vocabulary, antonym, synonym, one-word substitution, sentence rearrangement, sentence correction, passage, comprehension, cloze test, word-meaning etc.
  • Analytical ability: Number systems, average, profit and loss, percentage, Mensuration, time speed and distance, people work and time, analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, probability, statistics graphs, Venn diagrams, blood relations, sets, missing numbers series, boats and stream etc .
  • Legal awareness and aptitude: Legal propositions, conclusions, legal maxims, Indian constitution, legal terms, legal acts etc.
  • General knowledge: History, geography, natural phenomenon, world affair, important person in news, economics, national and international news, awards, books and authors, etc.

How to prepare for DU LLB Exam?

Preparing for LLB entrance exam is not that tough as it might appear to some candidates. All you need to do is make sure you stick to the points stated below and you’ll be good to go-

  1. First and foremost, understand the importance of the time table. Maintaining a timetable will help you in achieving your daily goals much faster. The timetable should be made according to your learning capacity. Do not include anything that you cannot fulfill on a particular day.
  2. Go through the DU LLB exam pattern 2020 and its syllabus and prepare accordingly.
  3. Analyze the previous paper trend and mark the important topics that have been asked over and over again.
  4. Clear your basic foundation and make a separate notebook for keeping short notes in it so that you can save the time in looking for the book.
  5. Read a newspaper or magazine to stay tuned to the latest information on current affairs influencing the world.
  6. Regularly practice reasoning and quantitative ability. The only way to clear these sections is through practice.
  7. Stay away from the distractions like mobile phone, social media, and relatives when the exam days are near. You may, however, watch the video lectures on YouTube to understand the making of law and the terms associated with it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the mode in which DU LLB exam will be conducted?

The DU LLB exam will be held in online mode where the students will be allocated a computer system to mark the answers to the questions displayed on their computer screen.

  1. Is there negative marking in DU LLB test? If yes, then how many marks will be deducted?

Yes, there is a negative marking for choosing the incorrect answer. For each wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted by the authority.

  1. If I don’t attempt an answer in the exam, will it lead to negative marking?

No, there will be no marking if you skip a question or do not answer it. It is suggested that you carefully choose the answers which you’re confident about. If you don’t know the answer to a particular question, you can skip that question altogether.

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