GATE Answer Key 2023: Link to Check Answer Key

Candidates who appear for the GATE exam will be able to check their answers using the answer key. The authorities will release the answer key for the different GATE papers in online mode a few weeks after the exam is over. The candidates will also be given the opportunity to raise an objection on the answers they seem is not marked correctly in the answer key. Find the detailed information related to GATE Answer Key in this article.

GATE Answer Key

The official dates related to the GATE Answer Key are provided in the table below:

Events Dates
Release of answer key September 2022
Submission of objection on answer key To be notified
Last date to submit the objections To be notified

Steps to check the GATE Answer Key 2023

The candidates can check the answer key of the GATE exam by visiting the official website of the organizing IIT. Check out the step by step instructions to open the GATE exam answer key:

  • Open your browser and visit the official website of the IIT conducting GATE exam.
  • The link to open the answer key will present on the screen under the header ‘view question papers and answer key’. (You are not even required to search for the answer key as the links appear directly on the website once it is released by the authorities.)
  • Open the link and you can see the course wise answer keys for the GATE exam listed on the screen.
  • Now scroll down to find the answer key for the exam paper for which you appeared for the exam.
  • Click on the ‘view’ button under the answer key header to open the answer key.
  • The answer key will contain question number, session of exam, question type, section name, key and marks carried by the question.
  • You can also open the question paper by tapping the ‘view’ button under the question paper header.

Importance of answer key

Using the answer key, the candidates can get an idea of the marks they are likely to obtain in their exam. The candidates can check the right option marked next to the question number mentioned in the answer key and thus can calculate their marks. The final result is also to be declared on the basis of the answer key.

Candidates should note that the marks that they calculate using the answer key do not provide any ground for re-checking of the final result. The marks thus calculated will only be for the reference purpose.

How to raise objection on GATE 2023 Answer Key?

Candidates will be given the opportunity to raise any objection to the answer key. They can submit their grievances only by making payment of a prescribed amount. The steps to do the same are given below:

  • To challenge the answer key, the candidates need to login to their account on the GOAPS portal.
  • Within their account, the candidates will find the ‘contest answer key’.
  • Upon clicking on this button, a form will appear asking the question and section number and justification why the candidates think the answer is incorrect.
  • Candidates also need to upload a document support their objection and the tap on submit button to submit the objection.
  • The candidates then need make payment of the Rs. 500/- per question to complete the process.
  • After submission, the concerned authorities will look into the matter and draft a final merit list after appropriate correction.

Things to keep in mind

  • The window for challenging the answer key will only be open for a few days. No challenge after that will be accepted.
  • While challenging the answer keys, the candidates should ensure that the question number is as per the PDF file of the question paper uploaded on the GATE website.
  • For the objections on the answer keys, the decision of the GATE committee will be final. No correspondence on this matter will be entertained.
  • The amount paid for a challenge that is accepted will be refunded.
  • In case any supporting document is uploaded during objection, the section name and question number must be mentioned in the document.
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