DAVV PhD /MPhil Admission

DAVV Ph.D./MPhil Admission: Applications will be invited by Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV), Indore from eligible candidates for admissions into Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and M.Phil Programmes under various disciplines for the academic year 2022-23. Interested and eligible candidates can apply as per prescribed schedule. Aspirants can check complete details about DAVV PhD/MPhil admission from the article mentioned below on this page.

DAVV PhD /MPhil Admission Important dates (Tentative)

Events Dates
End date for the submission of application form April 2022
Date of entrance examination May and July 2022
Result will be announced on June and July 2022
DRCs for different courses Feb 2022
Classes will begin from March 2022

Eligibility Criteria 

Candidates are suggested to apply for admission only if he/she fulfills the prescribed eligibility conditions as listed below:

  • A candidate seeking admission to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or M.Phil should hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in the related or allied subject with the minimum of 55% marks (50% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/Physically disabled category).
  • Candidates who are successfully qualified in NET (LS) for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Foreign Nationals with an International/National fellowship such as TWAS (Third world Academy of Science) will be excused from entrance exam for PhD but they have to come out for interview
  • The GATE, NET or M.Phil qualify candidates are not excused from the entrance test for admission to Ph.D programme.
  • For M.Phil programme 20% seats are kept for the applicants who qualify UGC/CSIR (JRF) Exam / NET/ GATE/ SLET/ JEST/Teacher fellowship holders and are excused from entrance exam only for M.Phil admission.

DAVV PhD /MPhil Application Form: How to apply?

Aspirants who want to get admission in PhD and M.Phil Programme, through the entrance test or who are excused from entrance test or those who are already registered or awarded PhD will be needed to submit applications on the prescribed form available online through official website of University i.e. www.dauniv.ac.in. Candidates need to send duly filled application form along with application fee of Rs.1000/- in the form of a Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of “Registrar, DAVV, Indore” payable at Indore.

Candidates can also download the Application form from the university website www.dauniv.ac.in

Completed application forms in all respects along with relevant documents should reach “The Registrar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya”, RNT Marg, Indore – 452001 before the due date.

Examination details for DAVV PhD /MPhil Admission

  • The Entrance exam will consist of one Multiple Choice Objective (MCQ) Type Paper containing 100 questions of one mark.
  • The questions in the test will cover all the basic papers of the allied Post Graduate course.
  • The duration of exam will be 2 hours
  • There will be no negative marking in the entrance test

Admission Process

Applicants will be generally admitted through an entrance test followed by an interview. In order to clear the PhD Entrance test, candidates need to obtain at least of 50% marks (45% for candidates from SC/ST/Physically Handicapped category) while for M.Phil admission, the minimum passing marks are 40% (35% for SC/ST category).

The list of the candidates who successfully qualify the entrance test along with other eligible candidates (20% seats are reserved for the applicants who qualify NET / UGC/CSIR (JRF) Exam / SLET / JEST / GATE/ Teacher fellowship holders for M.Phil) for PhD and MPhil admission will be informed separately for interview.

Selection Process

The RAC is responsible to release cutoff mark criterion for the interview to get admitted into MPhil and PhD programmes. In case of incongruity among the members of the concerned authority, an average will be calculated and that would be a final criterion. The authority will prepare the merit list based on candidates’ marks acquired out of 100 in the interview and the final cutoff mark. The RAC would decide the candidates to be admitted into M.Phil and PhD programmes. The final list of shortlisted candidates will be uploaded at the official website of the University.


It is compulsory to appear in the interview no matter you are exempted from the entrance test or cleared the DET. The Research Advisory Committee of the respective subject will organize the Interview for providing admission into MPhil and PhD programmes. The authority will notify the date of conducting the entrance test at its official website.

Please bring following documents:

  • You have scored 50 or more marks in PhD entrance test and considered eligible for interview.
  • Original mark sheets and certificates along with a self-attested copy for PG, Graduation, 12th and 10th.
  • To claim for reservation benefits- OBC/SC/ST/MP Domicile certificate.
  • If you are exempted from the entrance test then you have to produce documents associated to the exemption criterion.
  • There are four sectors to be examined during interview- Communication skills, Research plan, Research potential/aptitude/subject knowledge.

A candidate is exempted from appearing in PhD entrance test if they

  • Hold genuine JRF awarded through UGC-CSIR-NET/UGC-NET;
  • Hold Teacher Fellowship for Research offered by AICTE/UGC or any other Government agency;
  • Hold Foreign/Government Research Fellowship;
  • Hold M.Phil degree;
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6 thoughts on “DAVV PhD /MPhil Admission”

  1. Sir, candidate with sikkim manipal distance learning MBA degree is applicable for phd program in Devi ahiliya vishwa vidhayalay


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