DAV PG College Dehradun Admission 2021: BA, BSc, BCom, MA, MSc Admissions

DAV PG College Admission 2021: Every year, DAV PG College releases application form for providing admissions into various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including BA, BSc, BCom, MA, MSc, MCom programme. If you want to get admitted into any undergraduate or postgraduate programme then you will have to fill up the form with all necessities. Currently, it is expecting that the DAV PG College form would be available most probably in the month of June 2021. We will tell you the confirm date after the announcement of its related notification.

About DAV PG College Dehradun

DAV College is a reputed name among the top colleges in Dehradun. It offers a wide range of Post graduation and under graduation Courses. The institute has formed well-known personalities who have accomplished their mark in extraordinary fields in India as well as abroad. Still this college is growing in the approach of extension and informing numbers of scholars every year. This significant association is all set to maintain the balance among ideal brilliance and the complete required changes. There has been a prolonged splendid record of the college in varied courses such as sports, games, Adult Education, NSS, Rangers, and NCC etc.

A Quick Overview

  • Established In: 1948
  • Location: Karanpur, Dehradun
  • Approved by: Bar Council of India, New Delhi, Govt of Uttarakhand
  • Affiliation: HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand
  • Type: Non Private
  • Affiliated with: Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Garhwal
  • Major courses offered: PG and UG courses

Courses and eligibility criteria offered by D.A.V. (P.G.) College, Dehradun

  • Bachelor of Arts – three years (13 courses)

Applicant must be passed (10+2) or High School Senior Secondary examination by the Central Board of Secondary Education or any equivalent examination organized by any State Board or Equivalent. They must have secured a minimum of 50% Aggregate marks with English as important subject. 45% aggregate for candidates from SC/ST Categories.

  • Master of Arts – two years (12 courses)

Applicant must be graduated and have done bachelor’s degree got through the 10+2+3 system or an correspondent qualification with a minimum of 50% aggregate or equivalent CGPA of any of the renowned Universities integrated by an act of the central or state government in India. There is a relaxation of 5% aggregate for SC/ST candidates.

  • Master of Commerce – two years

As similar to Master of Arts

  • Bachelor of Science – three years (7 courses)

10+2 or equivalent qualification

  • Master of Science – two years (4 courses)

As similar to Master of Arts

DAV PG College Admission 2021 Important Dates

Here is the tentative schedule for DAV PG College admission 2021. All the dates provided in the table will be updated after the announcement of its related notification. Please stay tuned for further updates.

Events of the Exam Respectve Dates
Online Registration process will get started from June  2021
Deadline for the registration process July 2021
Date for the publication of First Merit list July 2021

DAV PG College Online Registration 2021

Please follow the steps given below in order to complete the online registration for DAV PG College admission 2021. By following the steps, you can fill up the DAV PG College application without committing any sort of errors.

  • Candidates are required to visit the official website of DAV PG College Dehradun first.
  • Now, fill up all necessary details such as candidates’ name, date of birth, programme, candidate’s category, contact number and email ID.
  • If your registration is successful, then you will receive your registration number.
  • If you name comes in the first merit list then you can visit the college campus for further procedure.
  • If not, then wait till the release of second merit list.

Merit List and Selection Procedure

It is expecting that DAV PG College will release the merit list in the month of July 2021. However, the dates are not confirmed yet. Candidates need to attend the admission procedure if their names listed in the university merit list.

Contact details of D.A.V. (P.G.) College, Dehradun

Address: Dav Road Karanpur, Dehradun – Uttarakhand

India – 248001

Contact phone number: 0135-2743555, 2653555

Contact Email address:[email protected]

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8 thoughts on “DAV PG College Dehradun Admission 2021: BA, BSc, BCom, MA, MSc Admissions”

  1. hlo sir..
    i have completed 12th with pcm 84%…i got admission in b.sc 1st year…it is possible or not?

  2. Dear sir…
    Sir when starting ragistration for b.a first semester ….
    & Can I choose together maths & history..???
    Plz give ans …


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