Get the latest updates on CSIR IMTECH Phd admissions for academic year 2021-2022 such as eligibility criteria, about IMTECH, application process, selection process, CSIR IMTECH PHD 2021 interview date and other related details. CSIR – Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR-IMTECH) Chandigarh invites applicants for admission to Ph.D Program of the Microbial Technology for academic session 2021-2022. Interested and eligible candidates need to appear for walk-in-interview on prescribed date.


IMTECH is one of the most prestigious institutes across India which offers European Technical services. With headquarter based in Gounda, Netherlands, IMTECH generally works for information and communication technology, electrical solutions, and many other well-known companies. Every year this institute offers various admissions under different study programmes.

Required Eligibility Criteria for IMTECH PhD Admissions 2021

  • Interested applicants must have Master’s Degree or equivalent in any stream of science including Physics, Life Sciences, Chemistry, Microbiology, Zoology, Botany, Physiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biophysics, Pharmacy or in chemical/biochemical engineering and have qualified CSIR/UGC NET or DBT JRF examination (‘A’ Category) examination are also eligible to be interviewed.
  • Please make sure that valid proofs of masters’ level and fellowship examinations (with applicable fellowship) are with you while interview round.
  • Those coming for interview from any other state must be prepared to be stay in Chandigarh for three days, which is the estimated time period required to execute the admission of successful applicants.
  • No DA/ TA or any other expenses will be compensated for coming in the interview.
  • Candidates need to affirm their current job, if any, before the interview round; any disguise may result in termination of admission at any point.
  • Aspirant’s age should be lies between 19- 28 years. (Upper age relaxation is applicable to reserved and female candidates as per Indian Govt. rules).

What is the procedure to apply for CSIR IMTECH PhD Admissions 2021?

Interested and eligible candidates need to avail the IMTECH phd application form from the official website i.e. www.imtech.res.in/phd. The application form will be in the given format.

For interview round candidate need to bring the application form along with required documents and two attested photographs.

Candidate can also mail their duly filled application form on [email protected] this link.

Important Note: Make sure you are carrying all the original documents and attested copies of your all compulsory documents such as school leaving certificate, qualification degrees etc and provided to show a valid proof that represents you have cleared NET examination.

CSIR IMTECH PhD Admissions 2021 Selection Procedure

1) Selection of candidates will be done on the basis of performance in Personal Interview round.

2) Applicants who will be chosen will have to pay amount of Rs.3000/- in cash as registration fee which will be Non-refundable.

CSIR IMTECH PhD Admissions 2021 important dates

CSIR IMTECH PhD Admissions 2021 Walk-in Interview date – To be Notified

For further details regarding CSIR IMTECH PhD Admissions 2021 candidates may visit the official site of the IMTECH institute which is www.imtech.res.in/phd or can also write your queries at [email protected] if any.

Keep visiting our portal for any updates and here below you may also share your query or comment regarding CSIR IMTECH PhD Admissions if any. We would be glad to get your feedback.

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