CG PET exam pattern 2022 will give you an overall idea regarding its question paper including questions’ type, number of questions, exam duration, difficulty level and sections of the exam etc. In short, it makes you comfortable with the pattern of the question paper you are going to face in the exam.
Highlights of CG PET Exam Pattern 2022
- Only objective type questions will be involved in the test having four alternatives among which you need to select the right answer.
- There will be 150 questions in total.
- Looking into the exam duration will be for 180 minutes.
- All questions will be based on the concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
All given questions are compulsory for all categories of candidates. Candidates will be given 3 hours of time for solving the given question paper. If your attempt is wrong then the negative marking scheme will be applicable over there. Therefore, candidates should mark only right answer in order to avoid negative marking.
Importance of Paper Pattern
CG PET aspirants should be aware with its ongoing exam pattern. It will help them in analyzing the exam and increasing their confidence level. Students usually waste their time in reading instructions related to exam. If you read this post then it will also save you time and you’ll able to concentrate on exam contents only.
Another advantage of knowing CG PET paper pattern is you can know, what is the actual way of preparation? See, your exam score is completely dependent upon the strategy you follow during the preparation of the exam.