CAT 2023: Online Registration, Exam Date, Eligibility Criteria

Common Admission Test 2023 or CAT 2023 is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious management entrance exams in India. It will be conducted by any one of the IIMs and a large no. of candidates will appear for this exam. CAT 2023 scores will be accepted not only by IIMs but also various other top notch institutes in India. It is being expected that the registration of CAT 2023 exam will start from August 2023.

In this article, we will provide every detail regarding the CAT 2023 exam such as important dates, exam pattern, application form, eligibility criteria etc.

Important Dates regarding the CAT 2023 exam

The official schedule for CAT 2023 is explained in the table given below:

Important Events Dates
Starting of registration August 2023
Last date to register September 2023
Availability of Admit Card October 2023
Date of Exam November 2023
Result January 2024

Note: The exact dates have been updated according to the official notification released by the concerned authority.

CAT Eligibility Criteria 2023

Here are the eligibility criteria that a candidate need to fulfill in order to appear for the CAT 2023 exam.

  • The candidate must have a Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks or Equivalent (45% marks for candidates form SC or ST category)
  • The candidates appearing in the final year exam of graduation degree can also apply.

CAT Application Form 2023

The application form for CAT 2023 exam can be accessed only via online mode through the official website. The candidates have to provide their educational, personal and contact details in the application form. While filling the application form online, the candidates have to select 4 test cities as per their choice. The exam center will be allotted from these preferred cities only. However, in a rare case exam center may be allotted in a nearby city. After filling the application form, the candidates will be required to submit the application fee only.

The candidates should keep a printout of duly filled application form for future reference.

Application Fee

The application fee for CAT 2020 exam will be as follows:

For General/ OBC Candidates: Rs. 1800/-

For SC/ ST candidates: Rs. 900/-

Mode of payment

The application fee can be paid in online mode using a debit card, credit card or net banking.

CAT 2023 Exam Pattern                                                                  

  • The exam pattern for CAT 2023 exam is explained below:
  • Mode of Exam: Online (Computer Based Test)
  • Number of Questions: 100
  • Duration of Exam: 180 minutes
  • Type of Question: Both MCQ and Non-MCQ will be asked.
  • Number of sections: 3 (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Verbal & Reading Comprehension and Quantitative Aptitude)
  • Language of Questions: English Only
  • Marking Scheme: + 3 for a correct answer and -1 for an incorrect answer. There is no negative marking for Non-MCQ type questions
  • Exam Center: It is expected that the CAT 2023 exam will be conducted at more than 147 exam centers across India.

Section wise distribution of Questions and Marks

Sections Number of Question Maximum Marks
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning 32 96
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension 34 102
Quantitative Ability 34 102
Total 100 300

CAT Syllabus 2023

There is no particular syllabus for CAT exam. However, the important topics from the different sections based on previous year’s exam are as follows:

Quantitative Aptitude: Variation, Linear and Quadratics Equations, Time, Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Surds and Indices, Critical Path, Mensuration and Geometry, Logarithms, Percentage, Alligations and Mixtures, Critical Path etc.

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning: Line Graph, Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Propositions, Syllogism, Data Arrangement, Blood Relations, Venn Diagram, Combination of Graphs, Clocks and Calendars, Data Sufficiency, Assumptions etc.

Verbal & Reading Comprehension: Analogies, Idioms, Fact Inference Judgement, Para completion, Para Jumble, Fill in the blanks, Word usage, Sentence Correction etc.

How to prepare for CAT 2023?

Although CAT is considered one of the toughest management entrance exams of India but still there is still an ample time left for CAT 2023. So, the candidates can really prepare well for this exam. Here are some useful tips for the aspiring candidates, which they can follow in order to do well in the exam.

  1. As there is an ample amount of time left for this exam, the first thing you should do is to understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly.
  2. Identify the section in which you are weak and strong. Focus more on a weaker section while keep polishing your strengths.
  3. Go through some previous year question paper’s to be more familiar with the exam pattern and difficulty of questions.
  4. Always follows good books from renowned writers.
  5. Self study is going to be the key. You may take help from coaching centers but never rely on them completely.
  6. You may also solve some test series for CAT available online.

Recommended Books for CAT 2023?

Here are some recommended books for the CAT 2023 exam.

  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K. Sinha
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT Common Admission Tests for Admission into IIMs by Sarvesh K.Verma

CAT 2023 Admit Card

The successfully registered candidates will be able to download the admit card from the official website. It is being notified that the admit card is to be available from October 2023. The details regarding the exam center, schedule and basic details regarding the candidate such as name, roll no. etc. will be mentioned on the admit card. It will be mandatory for every candidate to carry admit card at the exam center.

In case of any discrepancy with the admit card. The candidate may contact the cat helpline:

Toll Free Phone Number: 18002090830

Email: [email protected]

CAT Result 2023

The scorecard of CAT 2023 will be available through the CAT website. The candidate will also be informed individually about the declaration of result through the SMS. The CAT 2023 result will remain valid till the 31st December, 2024. It is expected that the result will be declared in the 2nd week of January 2021.

Note: The authorities will not conduct any centralized counselling. The IIM’s will send call letters to selected candidates individually. The institutes may also conduct further rounds of selections such as GD, PI for granting the admission.

CAT Information Brochure (For reference purpose)


CAT 2023 FAQ’s (Most Asked Questions)

Ans: Candidates, having graduation degree with 50% marks (45% in case of Scheduled Caste(SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Person With Disability (PWD) category candidates), are eligible to appearing in CAT. Final year candidates can apply.

Ans: The Aggregate Percentage up to the last marks statement you have received from your University.

Ans: No age limit.

Ans: No, it’s not possible.

Ans: A candidate who have successfully submitted his/her application can download the admit card from the official website of CAT with using his/her User ID and Password. In case you are unable to get your admit card then you can contact on-

Ans: Please visit- for the same.

Ans: There are no such restrictions.

Ans: No, it’s not possible. However, you may use the onscreen calculator

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