Birsa Agriculture University UG Admission

Birsa Agriculture University UG Admission: Applications will be invited by BAU, Ranchi from eligible candidates for admission to various Undergraduate courses for the academic year 2022-23. Every year the university offers admission to the aspirants in several courses available in the field of Agriculture and other allied disciplines. If you are seeking BAU UG Admission, must apply as per prescribed schedule. Through this post, candidates can find all important details related to Birsa Agriculture University UG Admission in detail.

Birsa Agriculture University UG Admission 2022 Important dates (Tentative)

The important dates for Birsa Agriculture University UG admission 2022 are listed below. All the dates provided in the below chart are tentative and subject to change as per University’s prudence. Whenever the official BAU UG admission dates will be announced, we update it on this page as soon as possible.

Events Dates
Advertisement will be released on July 2022
Sale of application form and information booklet will begin from August 2022
Closing date for the receipt of application form August 2022
The Merit List (prepared on the basis of Entrance exam) will be published on September 2022
Date of GD and PI September 2022
Final result will be announced on September 2022
Admission process will begin from September 2022

Courses offered

  • B.Sc (Agriculture)

The university offers B.Sc (Ag.) degree through a network of 14 Departments such as Agril. Engineering, Agricultural Physics and Meteorology, Agril Economics, Crop Physiology, Agril Statistics & Computer Application, Agronomy, English, Agril Entomology, Horticulture, Agril Extension Education, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Soil Science and Agril Chemistry, Plant Pathology and Home Science

  • B.V.Sc. & A.H. (Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry) Course

The university offers 5-years B.V.Sc. (degree) course through a network of seventeen departments including Animal Breeding and Genetics, Animal Reproduction, Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Animal Nutrition, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Veterinary Anatomy & A.H. Extension Education, Live Stock Production & Management, Veterinary Biochemistry, Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Medicine and Aquaculture.

  • B.Sc. (Forestry)

The university offers four-year degree course leading B.Sc (Hons) Forestry programme. The forestry faculty has almost 5 departments in the College, such as Forest Biology & Tree Improvement, Silviculture & Agroforestry, Natural Resource Management, Forest Products Utilization, and Basic Science & Humanities.

Eligibility Criteria for Birsa Agriculture University UG Admission 2022

Candidates must have done Intermediate/10+2 or its equivalent with Chemistry, Physics, and Biology for all undergraduate degree courses. However, the applicants with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are also eligible for admission into B.Sc. (Forestry) and B.Sc. (Agriculture).

Birsa Agriculture University UG Application Form: How to apply?

Application Forms for BAU UG admission can be downloaded either from the official website of university or candidate can purchase it from the university distribution outlets for the admissions to various courses of the university. The candidates can send their completed applications at the given address before the due dates as scheduled for this purpose.


Birsa Agricultural University

Kanke, Ranchi- 834006

Jharkhand, India

Selection Process

Selection of candidates for admission to undergraduate courses in general and various reserved categories strictly based on merit in the particular category through an entrance examination as per the reservation rules of Jharkhand state.

Admission to different UG courses will be done on the basis of bifold procedure. 15% of total seats are occupied by a Combined Competitive Entrance Examination organized by I.C.A.R. V.C.I. at All India level and remaining 85% of the total seats will be filled by Jharkhand Combined Competitive Entrance Examination Board, Ranchi.

Birsa Agricultural Univeristy 

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5 thoughts on “Birsa Agriculture University UG Admission”

  1. Sir I am writting compartment exam in 2018
    In three subject
    My results will be declared in the month of September
    Can I am eligible for Birsa agricultural college
    And I have written jharkhand combined exam also… Sir plz tell me


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