Bihar Polytechnic Result: Get Your Result Here

The candidates who appear for the Bihar polytechnic exam 2023 will be able to check their Bihar Polytechnic result through online mode. It is expected that the result of the Bihar polytechnic entrance exam will be announced in the month of June and in July for the lateral entry exam. The candidates can see their result in PDF form by visiting the official website of BCECEB. On the basis of marks secured by the candidates in the entrance exam, a merit list will be prepared. No result or rank card will be sent to the candidates through offline mode.

Important Dates

Activities Dates
Announcement of Bihar polytechnic exam result To be updated
Announcement of Bihar polytechnic lateral entry exam result To be updated
Beginning of counseling process To be updated

How to check Bihar Polytechnic Result?

By following these easy steps, the candidates will be able to check their polytechnic exam result:

  • Get the link for the result from the official website of BCECEB. The link to see the result will also be made available here on this page.
  • As soon as you click on the link, the result of the exam will appear in PDF format on the screen.
  • Check carefully for your roll number on the result page. You can use Ctrl + F to search for your roll number in an easy manner.
  • The result for the different courses for which the exam is conducted can be found on this page only.
  • The result for candidates belonging to different categories will be published separately on this page.

Merit List

A merit list of the successful candidates will be prepared by the concerned authorities and published on the official website. This list will be prepared in the order of ranking and on the basis of the marks scored by the candidates in their entrance exam. The counseling of the shortlisted candidates will be done strictly according to this merit list.

Bihar Polytechnic Counseling

The qualified candidates will be invited to take part in the counseling process where they will be allowed to provide choices for the course and college they seek admission into. The original documents and eligibility of the candidates will also be verified at the time of counseling. As per the choice made by the candidates during the counseling, their ranking and availability of seats, fulfillment of eligibility requirements and certain other factors, seat allotment will be done.

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