The post is written for providing information associated with BHU LLB answer key & result 2021. If you are one of the aspirants who are seeking admission to LLB programme at Banaras Hindu University then this article will help you out with its answer key and result related updates. So, candidates are advised to check this post regularly for latest information released by the Banaras Hindu University.
BHU LLB Answer Key 2021
Answer key of BHU LLB entrance test can be obtained from the official admission portal Banaras Hindu University. Aspirants can calculate their probable score by using the answer key. But for the same, they must be aware with the exam pattern of BHU LLB entrance test as prescribed below.
- The test paper will include questions from current affairs, general awareness, aptitude and mental ability & Common legal knowledge.
- There will be 150 questions of 450 marks asked in the exam.
- One mark will be given for every right answer.
- Negative marking scheme will be applicable for incorrect responses.
- No marks will be given or deducted for questions, which are not attempted.
Now, please give a quick look on information furnished below for downloading your answer key:
- Go to the official website link of Banaras Hindu University.
- Now hit the direct link of answer key according to your question booklet set.
- After hitting the link, a pdf version will appear on the screen.
- Download and take a printout of the answer key.
BHU LLB Result 2021
After a few days from the release of answer key, the University will announce the result of candidates who appeared in the test. For checking result, candidates need to follow below-furnished steps:
- First of all, you need to go to the official web link of Banaras Hindu University.
- Now enter your roll number.
- Then hit the ‘Submit’ button to get access to your BHU LLB result.
- Finally, check your BHU LLB results and scores.
expected cutoff bhu LLB 3 years for general