Choosing the best books for AIIMS MBBS exam preparation is not an easy task. There are a number of good books available in the market. But, only experts can suggest which books to choose for a better level of preparation. NCERT books are considered as an apt book for medical entrance exam preparation. However, we have also suggested few other books that will help you in preparation.
MBBS degree from AIIMS is also deemed as a gateway to a successful and prosperous career in medicine. However, to get admission in AIIMS is not a cup of cake for all candidates. Candidates have to do lots of preparation and hard work in order to qualify for the exam. They have to choose the right and best books/ study material for AIIMS exam preparation.
In order to do the preparation at the optimum level for any entrance exam, reference books have incredible importance. You must have a list of useful books so that you can do an optimistic preparation for your exam. In this article, we are listing the best books to crack AIIMS MBBS exam.
These books are our expert’s suggestion and hence we strongly recommend all those students who are preparing for AIIMS MBBS exam that please have a thorough look on the mentioned list. Specified books are counted among the finest reference books for preparation of AIIMS MBBS entrance exam.
Recommended Books for AIIMS Preparations
In order to choose the best books for AIIMS exam preparation, you do have knowledge of its exam pattern. Primarily, NCERT Chemistry, Physics, and Biology books for 11th and 12th class are a must for AIIMS exam preparation. Except for that, there are many other additional books that candidates must consider while preparing for AIIMS Exam. The list is as follows:
Best Physics Reference Books for AIIMS
Some of the below-mentioned books cover the theories of physics right from the basics to help exercise your memory on chapters/topics that you have studied before your 11th standard. Most of these reference books are prepared in sync with the physics NCERT textbook and include the sufficient objective questions of all types such as single option correct, assertion-reason, matching, and statement-based questions to assist you to prepare for competitive exams. These books give you transparency on concepts and then some tricky numerical exercises.
- Concepts of Physics Volume I and II by H.C. Verma
- Objective Physics for Medical Entrances Examinations (Volume I and II)
- Fundamentals of Physics, by Halliday, Resnik and Walker
- NCERT Physics: CBSE PMT by Anil Aggarwal (Set of 3 Volumes)
- Aggarwals’ Concept of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT
Best Chemistry Reference Books for AIIMS
Many numerical and theory concepts are thoroughly explained in these books. Most of these chemistry books include the NCERT 11th & 12th syllabus, previous year’s board, conceptual questions, competitive exam papers and other exercises to help you practice and revise.
- Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips Chemistry (Class 11 + 12) (English) By MTG
- Modern’s ABC of Chemistry for class 11th and 12th (Volume I and II )
- Arihant Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry by O P Tandon
- Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee for Inorganic Chemistry
- Dinesh Chemistry
Best Biology Reference Books for AIIMS Exam
These reference biology books include concepts of biology and fundamental principles and provide sufficient information.
- Exploring Biology for Medical Entrances (Volume I and II) (English)
- Trueman’s Objective Biology for Medical Entrance Examinations
- Trueman’s Elementary Biology, Vol I and II (English)
- Objective Biology by Dinesh
- Pradeep Publication’s Biology
- Prakash Objective Biology
- A C Dutta for Botany ( Oxford Publication)
- GR Bathla Publications’ for Biology (Theory & Objective)