Bangalore University 5-yr B.A., LL.B Admission: Applications will be invited by Bangalore University from eligible candidates for admission to 5-yrs Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Law (B.A LL.B) course in the University Law College, Jnana Bharathi Campus, for the academic session 2022-23. Interested and eligible candidates can apply as per prescribed schedule. Aspirants can check complete details about Bangalore University 5-Yr BA LLB admission from the article mentioned below on this page.
Table of Contents
Bangalore University 5-yr B.A., LL.B Important Dates (tentative)
The tentative schedule for Bangalore University five year B.A LL.B admission is furnished below:
Events | Dates |
Release of Application Forms (Online) | May 2022 |
End Date for Receiving of duly filled in Applications | June 2022 |
Release of the eligible candidate Omnibus merit list on the College N.B & Web | July 2022 |
Date for Counseling-cum-admission for both Regular and Payment Quota Seats in the College | July 2022 |
Payment quota and supernumerary seats in the college | July 2022 |
Commencement of the class | August 2022 |
Eligibility Criteria for Bangalore University 5-yr B.A., LL.B Admission
Before applying for BA LLB admission at Bangalore University candidates must satisfy prescribed eligibility criteria as mentioned below.
The candidate seeking admission to the BA, LLB Degree course will have successfully completed Pre-University programme or Senior Secondary School Course or equivalent (such as 11+1, ‘A’ level in Senior School Leaving Certificate program) from a recognized University in India or outside, or from a Senior Secondary Board or equivalent, constituted or recognized by the Union or by a State Government securing in the aggregate, marks at least of 45% (40% marks in the case of candidates from SC/ST category) of the total marks.
Important points:
- Applicants completed 10+2 directly without having any basic qualification for indicating such studies are not eligible for admission in the B.A., LLB degree programmes
- Applicants, who have qualified Job Oriented programme and Diploma programme, are not eligible for admission in B.A., LLB programme.
- Maximum age for admission to the B.A., LL.B. Degree programme will be 20 years of age (relaxation of 2- years in case of candidates from SC, ST, Other Backward Communities and Foreign Nationals) as on the end date for submission of application of the year of admission
- Foreign Nationals candidates should have completed the English Language as one of the essential subjects in 10+2 or equivalent Higher Secondary School Examination by getting the grade or marks equivalent to 45% in aggregate as prescribed by the Equivalence Committee.
Bangalore University 5-yr B.A., LL.B Admission Application Form: How to apply?
Candidates can obtain the Application Form & information booklet from the University official Website i.e. / /
Fill the important details carefully and accurately. Submit the duly filled in application form to “The Principal, University Law College, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560056” along with attested copies of important documents and demand draft of Fee in favour of the Finance Office, Bangalore, University, Bangalore-560056 payable at State Bank of Mysore, Nagrabhavi Branch, Bangalore.
Application Fee
Candidates from general and other Category should pay Rs.500/- (for Regular Quota) & Rs.850/- (for Regular & Payment Quota) & Rs.600/- (for Payment Quota)
Candidates from ST/ SC/CAT-I Category need to pay Rs.360/- (for Regular Quota); & Rs.550/- (for Regular & Payment Quota) and Rs.415/- (for Payment Quota)
Selection Process
Selection of candidates will be done on the basis of merit cum reservation policy of the Government of Karnataka /Bangalore University rules and candidates previous academic records.
Dear sir,
Sir I want to study B.A.LLB in your university. Sir there is admission open.and what is the data for last form for apply to your university. Want is totel free for 5 years course.