APJEE Exam Pattern 2022: I’m writing this article to provide information related to exam pattern of APJEE (Arunachal Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination) 2022 conducted by the Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Technical Education. If you are appearing for APJEE which is scheduled to be organized in May 2022 and have strong desire to crack it then you must need to gather info related to its exam pattern and syllabus. Exam pattern enables you to understand the overall pattern of the exam such as types of questions, number of questions, subjects involved, marking scheme, exam duration, negative marking etc.
APJEE Exam Pattern 2022
If you are looking to gather info related to APJEE exam pattern then the details can be found from here, please have a look:
- Candidates will find question paper in English only.
- All questions will be objective type multiple choice questions.
- Four marks will be given to candidates for every correct response.
- There will be negative marking for wrong answer attempted by you. If you have attempted one wrong answer then you one mark will be deducted.
- There will be no marks for questions which are unattempted.
- Talking about the exam duration for degree course will be for 3 hours and subjects which are involved in the exam are Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Exam duration for diploma programme is 2 hours.