Are you appearing for APJEE 2022? Well, so you must need to download its respective admit card. According to the recent notification released by the Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Technical Education, APJEE exam for the year 2022 is scheduled to be organized in the month of May 2021 and candidates will be able to download its respective admit card from April 2022 onwards. Without admit card, you won’t get entry to appear in the exam and hence you are instructed to download your hall ticket within the prescribed date.
APJEE (Arunachal Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination) is conducted for aspirants looking for admission to several professional/technical courses in Arunachal Pradesh. Candidates can download hall ticket of APJEE 2022 from the official website of the respective authority. You’ll find related information of APJEE exam in the admit card such as your name, exam date & time, venue etc.
Download APJEE 2022 Hal Ticket
- Hall ticket can be downloaded from the official website of the Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Technical Education i.e. or
- Check the official website on the prescribed date and find your admit card.
- Candidates can download their admit card by logging in to their account by using the same username and password which was created at the time of registration.
- Candidates will feel the necessity of hall ticket at the time of nomination and admission, so it is advised to preserve their admit safe till the admission process will be completed.
Candidates who have completed the application procedure for APJEE 2022 in the prescribed format by following the information brochure they are only eligible to download the admit card. Admit card will not be released by the respective authority for candidates who haven’t successfully submitted their application. So, complete the application process and obtain your admit card if you actually want to appear in the exam.