Type– Board of Intermediate Education
Location– Vidhyabhavan, Nampally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Official Website– http://bieap.gov.in/
About Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education
Established in the year 1971, Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education is a board of Education in Andhra Pradesh, India. The board is resposible for regulating and supervising the system and working of system of Intermediate Education in Andhra Prdaesh. It undertakes various activities as in devising courses of study, prescribing syllabus, granting affiliations, conducting examination, providing durection and supports to colleges and to educational institutes under its jurisdiction.
Examination Execution of Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education
Examination is the most important function of Andhra Board. Each year large number of students appear for Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education for Classth 11th and Class 12th under two course schemes- regular and vocational. The exams are conducted in the month of March and April and Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education Results are declared either at the end of April or first week of May tentatively.
Pattern of Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education
The intermediate exam is being executed since 1978-79 at the end of first year and second year. Previously the examination was only conducted at the end of second year. The candidates were examined on the basis of scores in different subjects as in 500 marks in 1st year, 530 marks in 2nd year in Arts Group, 475 marks in HEG group and 470 marks in 1 years and 440 marks in 1st year amd 530 marks in 2nd year in MPC group and 560 marks in 2nd year in Bi.P.C group. The total percent marks in each paper ought to be 35. The divisions earned by the students are decided on the basis of their passing all the papers in the respective 1st year and 2nd year.
Results of Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education
The results for Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education are tentatively declared in the month of April (last week) and May (first week).
Syllabus for Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education
The Andhra Pradesh Board offer diverse programs for students. It has separate academic wing called “Educational Research and Training Wing” and has pergorative right of prescribing textbooks of intermediate course of two years. The syllabus of subjects is prepared by the concerned committee of the subject that is constituted by the board. The committee not only prepares the syllabus for different subjects but also undertakes revision and keeps the changes and current trends in view.
AP Board of Intermediate Education Contact Details
Head Office Address: Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Vidhyabhavan, Nampally, Hyderabad – 500001, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Fax Number: 91-40-24732101 / Email: [email protected]